“Of course.” She smiles at me before herding Maddie out the door.

"Bye Demi!" called out Maddie before the door closed. And with that, I was all alone. My father left around 5 for work. It sucks because I don't see him in the mornings, but it's for the best I guess.

I walk over and made myself a bowl of oatmeal. I don’t care if they call this gross, I love this glop of warm  oats. Plus, it’s easy to make. I sit down on my sofa with my blanket and turn on Netflix to watch some movies. The rain seemed to pour on, the sky still a black-ish grey. I decided to watch Aladdin and cuddled up with my blanket.


Street Rat!”

A heavy knocking interrupted my song. I groan loudly and walk over with my blanket. When I open it, I see Nick, weakly holding an umbrella with a cupcake. He was in PJ’s, also wrapped in a blanket.

“N-Nick! What are you doing? Didn’t you go school?” I let him in and he places the cupcake on the table while he closes the umbrella, leaving it in a tin bucket we had by the door specifically for the umbrellas.

“I’m sick.” He said with a stuffy nose. He walks back over to the cupcake and hands it to me.

“What’s this for?” I asked, taking the cupcake. It was decorated to look like a red rose.

“Sorry. For… slamming the door in your face.” He said, scratching the back of his head.

“You’re sweet. Thanks.” I said with a smile. I set the cupcake down then sit down. Nick looks at me confused.

“Well aren’t you going to sit down?” I asked.

“I- um, kinda should go home.”

“There is no way I’m letting you go back out there.” Suddenly, a huge clasp of thunder rang through the air. We both jump as the flash blared though the windows.

“Especially not now.” He sighed then smiled.

“Alright then.” He sits down beside me. The thunder seems to be just over us when the power shuts down.

“Aw great.” I complain. Nick chuckles and stands up. I use my phone as a flash light and illuminated directly at him.

“You have candles?” he asks, before sneezing.

“Bless you, and yea.” I walk over to the kitchen and open what I assume was the junk drawer.

“You keep candles with your utensils?” he said, trying not to laugh.

“Hey, I’m looking for the matches, as a matter of fact.” I said, sticking my tongue out at him. He chuckles and I open the draw next to it. I dig through the random junk we put in here and finally found some matches.

“Here, hold this.” I hand him my phone and strike one of the matches. The flame dances merrily as I move to the living room, lighting every candle my mom has on the way.

“Why do you have so many candles?” he laughs.

“Why not?” I giggle back. He laughs a bit louder as the living room was now dimly lit by candles.

“Hold on, I have my laptop upstairs, I think I have a movie or two we can watch on iTunes or something.” I grab my phone from his hands and rush upstairs in the darkness. I found my laptop on my bed with my phone’s dim light then run back down.

“Alright so…” I find Nick, walking around with a candle, looking at old photos.

“Who’s this guy with you here?” he turns the photo and it’s the last one my mom took of me and Alex, when he was still alive. I smile weakly. I place my laptop down gently and walk over.

“That’s me and an old friend back home. Haven’t seen him what I felt like was years.” I said weakly.

“This looks rather new though.” He said. He flipped it over and saw the date.

“Yea, it says here that it was just last year.” A tear slipped down from my eye.

“It seems like it though.” I wipe the tear off.

“Was he an old boyfriend?” he asked. He looks up at me with concern.

“No. Just a friend. Just… friends.” I inhale deeply then put the photo down.

“Come on, let’s just watch the movie, yea?” I said in my best fake-happy-voice. He looks at me with the same concerned face, looking for a reason. But instead, he sighs and smiles.

“Sure.” We walk over and I open my laptop. The screen showed an empty battery before the screen shuts off.

“Just great. I forgot to charge it.” I groaned.

“Well, why don’t we just talk?” he said, turning to me.

“Sure.” I said with a smile. Something tells me that this will end up either very amusing, or in disaster.

Yup this is just your typical Wednesday.


Sooooooo i updated early today ^-^ (by that i mean by time, it's not midnight, like usual)

I'm stressing out guys! I have so much College applications i have to do, and my mom is pressuring me to do good, and it's all just blah /.\ But i'll be fine i promise ^-^

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~Jen :3

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