Chapter 5

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Kai walked in like he owned the place. Not that it mattered to me anyway right now considering I was still on the floor.

"Why are you on the ground?" Kai acted like nothing was wrong. He thought we were bestfriends. Couldn't he see me on the floor trembling?

After a moment of silence and realizing I wasn't going to answer his question, Kai walks further into the room.

"Are you shaking? Baby, why are you shaking?" I couldn't help but scoot backwards when he started walking towards me.

"AUDREY, tell me why you are shaking now!" I didn't expect him to yell and he obviously didn't expect me to flinch so badly.

I didn't know what he would do if I said he was the reason for my shakes so I said what I thought he was looking for.

"It's nothing big brother. It's just really cold in here."

"Well why didn't you say so? Here, come on, let's get in the bed with the blankets." Why is he so clueless?

After picking me up and placing me on the bed, he then proceeded to wrap me in bundles of blankets. Why couldn't he get the hint that I didn't want him here?


He looked up and smiled "Yes?"

"I would like to go see mom and dad please." I was hoping that they would be home by now.

"They are not home yet. But I'm here. And I'm all you need."

The way his eyes darkened terrified me more than his actual words. The possessive tone his voice took made me start trembling again. He just looked at me and sighed. It seemed like he was looking for something but nothing was there. After staring at me and obviously not finding anything, he noisily got off my bed and left the room.

Is this what my life has come to? Being terrified of my brother and wondering when it will all end? Please let my parents save me from this sociopath.

My Brother is a Sociopath Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ