Chapter 4

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Now that I look back on that day I guess I should have seen the signs.
1. My brother was always alone
2. He never left me alone when he wasn't alone
3. He was in too creepy things
4. He might have even killed the neighbors cat one time but there was no probable evidence

I wish I would have known that my brother was obsessed with me and my powers. Maybe I wouldn't be where I am now; curled up on the floor of my bedroom. The doors locked but that won't keep him out. If he wants in There is nothing I can do to stop him. He's threatened my friends if I tell anyone. I'm all alone in this.

Footsteps could be heard outside of my bedroom door. It's obviously Kai due to us being the only ones home. Please don't come in, please don't knock.

The door opens.

My Brother is a Sociopath حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن