Now I was hanging closer to the ceiling, an idea popped into my mind. I tried to crawl higher up the chain dropping the extra in my hands except for the parts hanging off the ceiling when a tug on my right ankle stopped me. I couldn't go higher and I wasn't high enough.

I sighed lowering myself until I was in my original position. Looking up again I grabbed the chains and started burning them until they were white hot. Greek fire erupted from my hands, but did nothing to the chains as they stopped glowing after a few seconds and returned to normal.

I narrowed my eyes and went with a different tactic, calling upon my ex-fathers powers and freezing the chains until I could no longer bear it, I willed a sword made of ice with fire burning within into my right hand and swung at it the frozen chains.

As soon as contact was made, an explosion of sorts blew the made up sword out of my hand and against wall shattering it instantly. My chains blew me backwards too, I didn't hit the wall as the chain around my ankle roughly yanking me back into place.

I channeled out a growl as my frustration grew, I didn't try vapor or fire traveling yet because that took up a lot of energy, but right now I would. I closed my eyes and gathered the water in the air, willing myself to break apart into molecules. Right as I was about to disappear, electricity raced down from the cuffs and up from my anklet into my body making me arch my back in pain and open my mouth in a silent scream.

The voltage was so powerful I felt my eyes vibrating within my skull. Feeling like it was lasting a lifetime instead of seconds I collapsed in my chains when it stopped. Singing back and forth slightly as I caught my breath. Note to self, using any powers that require transporting equal a taste of lighting, others powers are capable.

Going off that thought I summoned my pants to try and cover myself, nothing happened. I tried my shirt, again nothing happened. Gritting my teeth I tried my robe and sword... they didn't appear. Maybe the no clothes thing is a tactic to make me feel vulnerable and exposed, End doesn't know my past so he wouldn't know it isn't working, it's just annoying.

Frustration swelled within me as I dangle helplessly in a gray room with absolutely no entertainment. The swinging of chains was getting on my nerves, but I took a deep breath calming myself like how I learned when I was with the elves. They taught me patience, silence, and how to be as fast as them in return for getting rid of a monster that they had no knowledge on, turns out it was a snaktor from Dusmon that End managed to send to them.

I calmed myself and opened my ears to the silence. Listening to every little sound whether it be the air whistling through my chains or the footsteps in the hallway...coming my way. Preparing myself I relaxed all my muscles and took deep soundless breaths.

Salvaging energy and getting rid of any evidence of my attempts for escape I closed my eyes and waited...

***Line Break***

Star POV

Chaos erupted as those three little words took effect. Snake just about collapsed before I pulled him up on his feet. He clutched my arm like a life line, his pupils were blown as he panicked. He stuttered out his story, but no one could make out what he was saying.

"Stop. Stop. Just stop Snake, calm down and breathe" I grabbed both his shoulders and looked him in the eyes. He focused on me and nodded slowly taking deep breaths.

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