I Am...

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Dedicated to mojo_horse & Decided_Palm_Tree

PJ characters belong to RR

Apóvli̱tos POV

The first feeling that came back to me was pain, obliviously. Also annoyance because of that female general who was probably feeling smug, End got me, but technically it was their fault for distracting me. I felt kind of sparky, like one of the Grace's electrocuted me. I groaned in my head deciding not to channel it because I really don't want my captor to know I'm awake.

If I do, usually that's when the worst part happens... the evil monologue, then of course the torture, but those monologues always make me want to start snoring. They're always so boring, like my history teachers.

I spread my senses around the room and entire complex just for further escape routes. It didn't smell that bad so I probably wasn't in an old dungeon type of place. I took a deep unnoticeable breath, the air was cold and fresh like Alaska. Probably an expensive place with air conditioner because the bad guys always gotta have the best, besides Tartarus' dump.

Feeling through the water in the air, I found the door behind me with a long corridor, really taking the one way in and out seriously with a number of hallways and doors leading to dead ends. At least for me, I stayed quiet and unmoving even though it was particularly uncomfortable. When you can't move all you want to do is move, and my ADHD was not helping, I needed to do something.

Shaking my head slightly and clearing my head I journeyed down each hallway and into each room noting in my head what was where and who was there. I kept searching and memorizing until I found several escape routes keeping as far way from End and the most dangerous minions for convenience.

Letting go of my powers, sensing no-one with me, I slowly opened my eyes. I was in a an empty gray room, concrete walls and no accessories or decorations to entertain my mind. I was facing away from the door to help keep the feeling of mystery and fear for End and hanging from the taller than usual ceiling with chains around my wrists and one around my right ankle.

I looked up, one lightbulb was burrowed into the ceiling with glass over it. Glancing around, there was a camera in every corner of the room pointing at me. No privacy, I shifted a little to get some feeling back into my sore muscles and rapidly numbing arms as my feet did not quite reach the floor when I felt a sharp pain in my right wing.

Gasping silently I cautiously turned my head and lifted my arm ignoring the stabs of pain and looked at my wing. The half connecting to my—what. the. hades. I was naked except for my belt which only I can remove, my necklace which is enchanted to return to me unharmed, and my mask. Other wise I was completely nude, I do not like that.

Although I was familiar with the concept, doesn't mean it didn't bother me. Ew, why so many cameras too. Having enough of it I glared at the camera to my right front, pointing my right pointer finger at it, a stream of fire shot from my finger right into he middle of the camera lenses rendering it useless and burning away the inside.

Repeating my actions to the other 3 cameras, I gathered more chain in my right hand lifting my right side painfully higher until my left hand could reach my right wing. Calling upon the power of the hearth I healed my wing. It snapped back into place as I bit my tongue. Pulling my glowing hand away I gathered just as much chain in my other hand in my left.

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