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Dedicated to Harrylover123454505

PJ Characters belong to RR

Chaos POV

A smooth strong voice echoed throughout my galaxies reaching every corner and every inch. The voice had so much depth in it and so many emotions it was overwhelming. It kept bouncing around my head and it finally hit me. The voice was in my head, I wasn't hearing it from my ears, but my inside my own brain. Who had that power to project their voice not only around the universe, but in everyone's mind as well.

I snapped out of my thoughts as it began to fade. Frantically before it was fully nonexistent I pinpointed the main source. It was coming from The Port. Not wanting to scare away the source of this voice I quietly transported myself to The Port. Once I arrived I found an unusual scene.

All the arrivals from different planets being pushed back against the walls. Green fire barely a foot away from their bodies, a thin layer of ice behind it, and boiling water on the inside circle. In the center of the the walls were two male figures.

A Replin being held in the air by some unseen force with its feet dangling pathetically, sputtering and trembling staring at it's captor fearfully. Then an Earthling, a human. Flabbergasted I tried to dwell into the figures mind, no human ever leaves Earth, only few know of the portal itself. Earth was the only planet that cast me off as faded.

The human was 6'4 with raven black hair, dressed in midnight black with swirling sea green and curling warm orange dancing around his outfit. A sheath of knives on each side, three dagger sheaths strewn across his chest, a spear and long sword making an x across his back. All of his weapon hilts had the same design as the humans outfit, his knives and dagger had golden engravings. On the left sight of their hilts was written in English was The Outcast and on the right was Apóvli̱tos.

His sword was four feet in length sheathed strapped to his back, it's engraving was different, still gold color, but different words. His spear was the same strapped to his back with a different engraving, but same color. His sword was named Silent and his spear was named Justice.

His aura was overwhelming as fury overtook him. The Replin must've done something to anger the human, that's when I realized the human was not normal controlling these two elements, that by them self were near impossible as easy as this person was. They had a black mask with the two colors dancing on around his face. Ending at the bridge of his nose showing his vibrant sea green eyes with a band of warm brown flowing like a crackling fire.

As soon as I attempted to navigate the humans mind I slammed into a hard cold wall. Confused I strived to try again, it was like running into a wall of glass. I can see it's there and I know what's on the inside, but I can't reach it. How does this being have the power to keep me out from his mind? Once again, I staunched to enclose myself in his mind I was completely blocked off.

I noticed each time I threw myself against that glass wall around his mind, the human stiffened. When I had my final try his head snapped towards me. His fiery eyes glowed with unimaginable power, hurt, sadness, brokenness. All those emotions I felt through his telepath voice were displayed through his eyes. I flinched, me, creator of the universe, flinched from all the despondency emanating from his being. His eyes met mine. We stared each other down.

"Who are you?" A smooth voice spoke in my head.

"Why do you not speak through your mouth mortal?" I asked him ignoring his question.

"I am no mere mortal." He countered calmly dropping the frightened Replin.

"Why do you not speak?" The Replin scrambled away from the earthen figure back to his crew.

The Outcast (1)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora