Chapter Six

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"Luna, darlin', come on out of the car and meet the family." She says through the glass. I quickly scramble out of the car, almost falling to the ground in the act. 

Well, Luna, this is your new life.. welcome home..  I think, and I turn and follow towards Lucy.


Chapter Six:

Walking up towards the house, I was a little scared. What if they didn't like me? What if they told me to leave? Where would I even go?  these were the only thing I could think about at the moment. Putting all thoughts aside, I followed Lucy up to the house. Scared out of my wits.

Walking into the house, you could clearly see that boys lived there. Jerseys strewn about the livingroom, clothes in alot of places. 

"I told everyone to clean up this mess before I got back!" She says to me. I just laugh, amused by this whole situation. 

"Oh no, it's perfectly fine with me. My friends have probably made bigger messes." I smile, thinking about them. If only, if only...

"Here, how about I show you to your room?" she says, seeing my sudden change of mood. I nod, not knowing what to say beside a "Please". While walking further into the house, I look around in awe. If you were looking at me, you'd probably laugh at my expression; slack jawed & huge eyes. This place was huge. 

"Come on dear, I can't wait to show you your room! I designed it all by myself! I hope you like it! I've never been able to do a girls room." she says, sighing towards the end of her speech. I smile at her, amused by her rant. I'm pretty sure i'll love it, she seems to have a good sense of taste in these kinds of things. 

Not noticing how we've made it to the door of my new bedroom, I walk right into Lucy, stumbling back a bit, falling flat on my butt. "OH GOSH! Luna! I'm so sorry!" she frantically says, rushing towards my side. 

"It's all good, I should of been loking where I was going." I say, my cheeks flushing red from embarrassment. I stand up, wiping the imaginary dirt from my butt. I head in the direction of my room, once again, and I open the door.

I gasp at the sight. The walls are the prettiest shade of Light Blue, Dark mahogany furniture & flooring, colorful accents along the walls. The further I get into the room, the better it gets. This room is gorgeous! I turn around quickly, and give Lucy a gigantic hug. She chuckled, stepping back a bit. 

"I'm guessing you like it then?" She jokingly asks me. I laugh, smiling. I nod my head "Of course I do! It's gorgeous!" I practically shout at her. She chuckles once again. "I'm glad you like it, dear. Now, I'm off to make dinner. Unpack, do whatever you want. I'll get someone to call you down when it's finished." She says to me, before heading out towards the door.

I look around my room in awe; it's perfect. I run my hand along the light blue walls, stoping when I get to a door. Thinking it's a bathroom, I open it. I gasp, once again, at the sight. It's a gigantic room full of equipment. From dancing to boxing, there's everything in here. I think this is my favorite thing by far...

I walk back towards the door, making sure to close it when I'm done. I start to unpack whatever I have in my bag. Coming across a picture of my family, I start to cry. For about an hour I just sit there and cry. Thinking it's time to stop, I lay down on my new bed. I close my eyes, thinking back on these past 24-hours. It's crazy, I think to myself. 

I can start to feel the strain on my body kicking in from all this chaos . Closing my eyes, I drifted off to sleep.


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