Chapter Four

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Chapter Four: Living With The Harris Boys: 

After we get to the airport, we check to make sure we have enough time. Since I haven't eaten any time soon, my stomach makes a horrible grumbling noise. I'm guessing that Mrs.Harris heard it, because she asks me "Luna, Honey, do you want something to eat? I know you probably haven't eaten in a while. Take this Twenty, and get something from one of these shops. You have a half an hour  til' you need to get back." I take the money from her hand, "Thank you! I'll be back in Jiffy!"

Looking through some of the shops, I find a Starbucks. The store practically calls me there, with the amazing coffee scent it's giving off. I go in there and order a Vanilla Bean Frappacino, which by the way, is my favorite. After getting my drink, I turn around, hurrying to get back to Mrs.Harris.As i'm turning, I bump into someone, falling to the floor, flat on my butt. I look up to apologize, only to look into some of the most mesmerizing Hazel eyes. Before even realizing what i'm saying, I blurt out "You're hot." to him. After realizing what I said, I quickly cover up my face in my hands, trying to cover up the embarassing blush covering my face.

I hear deep chuckles, so I look up. He replies, "Well, doll, I know i'm attractive and all, but I don't bat for that team." Finding this extremely awkward, I blush even harder.

Oh dear Lord, I just firted with a gay man...

He holds out his hand, "I'm Josh, Josh Morrison. Sorry to dissapoint you though, you're still a cutie pie." He says, I just roll my eyes. "I'm Luna Carter, and it's fine, you already know what I think about you." He chuckles again, "Well, Luna, my flight is about to depart, so why don't we just exchange numbers so we could talk some other time." 

Now it's my turn to laugh, "Alright buddy, give me your phone, I'll put my number in." 

He hands his phone over to me, I put in my name as 'Airport Girl' and hand him it back. He smiles at the name, and puts it in his pocket.  "Be expecting a message from me soon, Luna. I'll talk to ya soon." I laugh, "BYE!" I shout to him, as he made his way over to the gates. He walks off, with a wave of his hand and a smile on his face.


After boarding the plane, we took off. All I could think about was my family. My Mom, My Dad, My house, My friends. Everything. I guess I must of been crying, because Mrs.Harris pulls me into a hug, wiping my tears away. "Darlin', you know it's gonna get better somehow. My sons will love you, you'll have some fun with our family, your family. I promise." I hope she can keep that promise true.. Things weren't looking their best at this point right now...}

"I just hope so Mrs.Harris, everything's happened so fast. I lost my family, I'm moving across the country to where I don't know anybody. It's crazy." I said to her, tears freely rolling down my face.  "Don't fret, and call me Lucy dear. Just take a nap for now, I know you haven't gotten much sleep today after everything." I nod my head, turning to face the window, letting out a huge yawn. 

A thought strikes me, how many kids does she have?

Without thinking, already over half-asleep, I ask "By the way, how many boys do ya have? You never mentioned it..."  I hear her sigh, I yawn once more. She begins "Well, I have a few.." 'A few? How many is that?' I think to myself. "And I know you only had one brother, so your house was never really crowded.. But I have Twelve sons.. I hope you don't mind it at all. I tried for a girl, but I never got one." 

'TWELVE SONS? Oh god, what have I gotten myself into?' I think, not even having a chance to reply to her, before I fall into the darkness of sleep.


A/N:   Thanks for reading this! I hope you enjoyed this chapter!  Took me long enough to upload. :)







(P.S. I will have Chapter 5 up in a few days)

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