Chapter Five

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"Luna! Wake up honey! We've landed!" Someone says, nudging me at the same time. Not wanting to get up, I grunt, turning over, only to hit my head on the plane window.

I jump awake now. Groggily, I rub my eyes. "Finally, you're up. You slept the entire flight! We have to get off the plane now." Lucy says to me. Much to my bewilderment

I ask, "The entire flight? All 4 1/2 hours?" I practically shout. "Yes, but I think you needed it. Now come on!" 

We start walking towards the luggage claim, me groggily making my way over. "We should hurry up and get back home! I can't wait to show you my boys! You'll love em'!" Lucy says to me. Yea, I'll probably love them. But something stops me in  my tracks. Her boys, her twelve boys...


"Oh. My. God." I mutter under my breath, thinking she wouldn't be able to hear me. "What'd you say? What's a matter Lunabell?" I look up in response, to see her looking all around my face for emotions, which aren't there. "I don't know if I wa having a dream or something.. But I'm pretty sure you said all you had was boys.." I say, she nods her head in reply to this. "And all you have are boys, and I'm PRETTY sure that I might of heard you say you have, oh, I don't know, TWELVE!?" I practically said, near a shout.

She looks astonished, as if she doesn't remember saying that to me. "I- I thought you wouldn't of heard that. Yes, I do have twelve sons, but we can talk about this in the car." I nod my head, hurrily making my way through the airport.


Only a matter of minutes later, we got into her car. Starting it, we drove off, away from the airport. Me being myself, thinking the quietness is too awkwars, I speak up.

"Could you tell me more about your family?" I ask her. She nods her head, "Well, i could start by telling you their names I guess. We start with Mason, he's 22. He's in college, doesn't live with us. Then we have Ashton, who's 19. He's leaving for college after this summer. Next, we have Carlisle & Tate, who are 18 & 17. They're around your age." I nod, getting kind of excited over this. 'What if they're hot?'  I think. Lucy starts speaking again, "After them, there's Brody and Kaden, who are 18 & 14, two years apart. Then, we have Keaton & the twins." She says. Twins? "The twins are named Ryder & Finn, bless them, can barely tell them two apart. Last but not least, are the two youngest. keegan & Elliot are best friends. Cutest things. They're 5 & 3."

'Wow, this is a large family...'

"I know, I know, you must think I'm crazy for having so many kids. But I'm not. I love them so much. No matter how annoying." She laughs, my lips twitching into a small smile.

"Oh, I know how you feel. When I was younger, I wanted 14 kids of my own. It was when my mom told me my aunt was gonna have a baby. I was so excited" I say to her, sighing as I think about the past.

She's quiet for a few moments, "Well, maybe that could come true. You never know." I scoff at that, it's ridiculous, since you've never even had your first kiss...

Yea, I guess you could say I was popular in school, but I've never kissed one of them. It's kind of - weird, if you could say that. 

As I'm in the middle of thining, I'm snapped out of my revire by the sound of the truck door slamming. Looking around, I realize we've pulled up to the house. Looking at it, I've become astonished. I thought that it'd be a tiny little house, far away from everywhere else. Well, apart from it not being a tiny shack, I was pretty close. 

It's a gigantic white house with a red door, a wrap-around porch, and a barn in the back. I wonder if they have any horses.. those are my second favorite animals...    I shrug my shoulders at the thought, hopefully they do..

I was so caught up in my thoughts, I barely even realized  that Lucy was tapping on my window, trying to get my attention. My head snaps to the side, and I look out the window. Embarassed because I was just sitting there, my cheeks flush with pink. 

"Luna, darlin', come on out of the car and meet the family." She says through the glass. I quickly scramble out of the car, almost falling to the ground in the act. 

Well, Luna, this is your new life.. welcome home..  I think, and I turn and follow towards Lucy.


A/N:  Sorry about the late upload, thanks for reading this story! It means alot to me!

Xoxo, Erica


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