Chapter Two

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"M-my  w-what?" I splutter over my words, not even thinking right at the moment. My Legal Guardians? How can that be? I've never met these people before!

 As I think more about it, I've heard a few stories about them. But, i've never met them as I can recall. Wait, wait, wait- do they live in california? I questioned, as I thought more about this. "Where exactly do they live? California?" I questioned the officer.

He vigorously shook his head back and fourth "Oh no, no, no. They live in Tennessee."  I looked up at him, a shocked expression evident on my face.

"TENNESSEE? That's across the country! On different coasts!" I yelled. I have a life here, I have best friends, I go to school here!  "Why yes it is, miss. You'll be staying with those lovely people for the time being, at least until you finish school."  Until I finish school? I have an entire year left before I graduate from high school. A YEAR!

"Well that's lovely and all, but is there possibly a chance I can stay here? With friends or someone?" I asked, no, more like begged him. "No can do, miss. These are your legal guardians until you become a legal adult." Oh lordy, lordy. This can't be happening. 

"I'll be back in a minute to check on you, I have to go talk to another officer if that's alright with you. Are you okay here for a moment?" He asks me. I just nodded my head in reply, staring at the blades of grass in my line of vision. My vision gets blurry, and I can't hold it in any longer. I sit there, hunched over on the grass crying into my hands. 

Everything was fine this morning! How did everything go so, so wrong in a matter of hours? Maybe if I didn't go to the park this wouldn't of happened! This is all my fault! I can't believe they're gone from me! I was coming home to tell them about my day at the park, with my two best-friends, and I come home to this! 

I believe I was sitting there for about two hours, when suddenly, a lovely looking woman came up to me. She looks at me with smiling eyes, "Luna-belles? Is that you? Oh my! I haven't seen you in ages! You've grown! Well it has been about 14 years..."  She mumbles the last part to herself. Wait! Did she just call me Luna-belles? How does she know that name? Only my d-dad calls me that, I choke up on the last part. 

"Luna-belles?"  I ask her questionably. "How do you know that nickname? Only my dad called me that?" I ask her, slightly accusing her of using what is rightfully my dads. "Oh dear, do you not remember me? I'm Lucy Harris, one of your parents best-friends" She says, with a Southern twang, that I clearly missed berfore.

"L-Lucy Harris? Are you the one that's bringing me to your house? It's in Tennessee, right? Not in California?" I asked her, tears started forming in the corners of my eyes. She looks at me, sorrow filling her eyes. "Yes, Luna, You're coming home with me" She said, with a soft voice, trying to ease my tears. "We're going to be off soon, I just have to talk to one of the lawyers, then we're catching the next flight back to Tennessee." 

I just nodded my head at her, barely knowing what to do at this point. My house is a crumbled, charred mess. Or, what was left my house. All of my belongings that were downstairs, burnt. Most of the belongings that were upstairs, burnt. Hopefully, hopefully, hopefully, there is at least some memories that I could salvage. Wishing that I could go check, I slowly walked over to one of the firefighter's. Tapping on his shoulder, saying this in the calmest tone I could muster, "Excuse me, er- sir, is there any way that I could try to retrieve some of my belongings from upstairs?" I asked. He just shook his head solemnly, "No can-do miss, it'll put you in too much danger." He replied, I just sighed, tired of this already. 

I went back, resuming my old position on the ground. Lucy came up to me, a little while later. "Honey, it's time to go! We have to make it to the airport soon, or we'll miss our flight" I nodded once again, as if it was the only thing I could do anymore. "They'll try to salvage a few items, then send it to my house in Tennessee. If that's alright with you." I just sighed, nodding my head in agreement. 

Turning myself one last time, glancing back to the remains of my house, I whispered in a barely audible tone "Goodbye Mom, Dad. I'll always be thinking about you two." With a tiny little tear escaping my eye, I shook my head.

Walking away was probably one of the hardest things..


A/N: I hope these chapters are going okay.. I don't know if you guys like them.


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