Chapter One

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"Mom, Dad! I'm going out! Love you!" I shouted, as I made my way downstairs towards the front door.  It was a nice & windy day in California, ones you didn't get often, so I decided to make the best of it.  

"Where are you going, Luna? Be home before dinner!" my mother shouted back at me, right before I got to the front door. My father said "Be safe Luna, Love you" Grasping the handle, I replied  "Right, I got it. I'm headed out the park to meet Tamsyn & Presley, i'll be back soon! Love you guys too!".  Since she didn't reply, I took that as my cue to leave. Stepping out of the front door, I had to block my eyes from the bright light of the sun.  'Glad I wore my shorts today!'  I thought, since it's likely to get hot later on. Pulling out my phone, I texted Tamsyn & Presley, saying 'Guys, meet me @ the park, right under our tree!'. 

If you haven't guessed already, Tamsyn & Presley happen to be my two bestfriends. I met Tamsyn in 1st grade, she scraped her knee and I helped her up, asking if she was okay. We practically hit it off since then. Presley, however, joined our little group of in 7th grade. She was the new kid in school, didn't have any friends. She sat with us at lunch one day, and we've been friends since. My phone ringing brout me out of my thoughts. Checking my messages, I see 'Tamsyn: Kay gurl, be there in 10' and another one from Presley, saying 'Presley: Be there soon! Luv ya! xoxo.'  After getting to the park, I find the tree I'm looking for & sit under it in the shade. Seconds later, I hear my two crazy best-friends shouting my name! "Luna! Luna!" they shouted in sync. As soon as they say my name I'm up on my feet, only to be tackled down again moments later. 

As I headed back to my house, I was thinking about all of the time us three will be spending at the beach this summer. I was snapped out of my thoughts by the blaring of the sirens on a passing firetruck. 'I wonder where that's going.' I thought.

Since It turned the corner, I just kept looking at my surroundings. Not even five minutes later, I'm back on my street. And the firetruck is in the front of my house! As I see this, I'm rushing down the street, and up my lawn, only to get held back by a man in a uniform. "Who are you?" He asks me. "I live here! What's going on?"

I shout at him. "Miss, i'm gonna' have to ask you to calm down." he replies back to me. At this point, i'm in tears. "What happened? Can you tell me? Are they okay?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper. When I look up at him, you can tell they didn't survive the fire. There's sadness and sorrow in his eyes. And that's when I start crying, bawling my eyes out. Falling to the ground, head in my hands, knees to my chest.

"Excuse me miss, what's your name?" I hear, then I look up to see a police officer hovering over me. "My name is Luna Jenieve Carter, and I-I" I stutter over what i'm saying "I live here with my parents, Adalyn & Jared Carter" he glances behind him, and tells me to hold on for one moment. I'm still sitting in the same place, same position when he arrives again.

"We've called your brother, Beckett Carter, but he's out of the country at this moment from what i've been told" I nod my head, "Yea, he studies abroad for college." I tell him. The truth is, I haven't seen my brother for a few months, since he's in college and all. But with him out of the country most of the time, it's hard to see him and all

. "And since he's out of the country, we've contacted a close family friends. Their names are Mr & Mrs. Harris, and they'll be here shortly. You'll be staying with them, since they're your legal guardians now." 



Soo, how was it? Did I do good? First chapter officially done! :) 

Anyways, if you liked it, VOTE, COMMENT, FAN! 

Thanks lovelys! xo


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