Chapter Six- The Stakes Raise

Start from the beginning

                                                                                                                                                                                    I stormed into the Council hall the next day. I was in a simple green dress and I was truly angry with my mother and father. I had locked him in my room and told Tam to not let him out and only Kelly and Ky could see him. I told her to throw meat in every so often and stormed away. Once again the servant did not ask questions and did as she was told. 

All eyes looked at me as I angrily stormed to my mother. She looked up with tears in her eyes and I saw that Father's new form still upset her. I did not care. I had been lied to my whole life about one person and myself. Why should I be the only one upset? 

"What is this?" I cried. 

"What is what my dear," her horse voice came out. The other members looked in shock had I thrust the paper in her face. 

"This paper given to me by Agus! Is it true? If so, than why did you all lie to me about her?" 

"Lacondra, I-" 

"Is it true?" 

"Please dear try to understand that Luke and I wanted you to not know. It would only bring you down and hurt you." 

"So it is true? You lied to me and kept me from knowing! How could you? Did they know about it?" I yelled pointing at the Council. 

"Yes, they did." 

"Know what?" Sean asked standing. He walked over to my mother and place a hand on her shoulder. "And you should be assumed. Your father is a tiger and the queen is very upset about it." 

"You all knew that the first queen had both marks on her. You knew what she looked like and that she did something very disgraceful to us. She was the mother of Agus and that is why he loves us dearly, the dark queens. That queen breathed live into his dying body and he almost killed David. It's bad enough I look like her, but the fact her name is Lacondra is a cruel joke to me!" 

The Council said nothing. They looked at me with pity and did nothing else. I was a joke. Lacondra was a name that had a meaning. The meaning was cold and pathetic. David had made that name to mean fool. It was a fool who had too much power and should be watched at. No wonder they no longer told that name to the people. It was my name and it meant I was a fool with power! 

"Lacondra-" Delen tried but I would not hear what they said. 

"You named me after a fool! That is what my name means! Did you think me a fool who would have power that was too great? Did you think that I would bring the fall of light? Why? Why did you name me that?" 

"I named you that for a reason!" Mother told me, the anger raising in her own voice. "I did not take you for a fool. We thought that it fit you well. Most of these things on the paper is true, but one thing is not. Lacondra does not mean fool with power." 

"Than what does it mean?" 

"It means hope. Lacondra did breath life into Agus when he was dying, and by than David was dying. Agus went to him and almost killed him. Agus told him that his wife sent him there. The people had lost hope and thought that their freedom and king would be killed. Before Agus killed the king, Lacondra stopped him. She sent him away and told him that she would not be fooled into his kindness again and light would live. David saw his wife was true and told her that her name meant something. The people's hope was back and so was his. Lacondra means hope and those who have that name would bring nothing but that. I thought it suit you well. I see now that Agus is trying to get you against me. The stakes are raising, my dear. Now that is out of the way, why was this meeting called? I would like to go see Luke soon." 

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