Why Do I Smell Cherries? - Chapter 1

Start from the beginning

            “What? No, Dave or Strider or jerkhole of a boyfriend?” He asked, and though I hadn’t turned around to even look at him, I could already sense the smirk that was coming onto his face. I didn’t reply and the room was in an awkward silence for a few moments. “Waffles for breakfast, huh? Awesome.” He said, filling the empty space, and reaching for the plate, only for me to slap his hand out of the way.

            “OH NO, I WORKED HARD ON THOSE. YOU CAN MAKE YOUR OWN MORNING FOOD.” I yelled. He’d had to get used to my morning yelling, but never failed to make little remarks on it, which he fit in right now.

            “Jeez, Kitkat, chill.” He said, taking a step back after peeling his arms off me.  Finally, I turned to face him and found that he was wearing his shades. “DAVE, WHY ARE YOU WEARING YOUR FUCKING SHADES???” He never wore his shades around me anymore.

            At first, he’d worn them because he was scared everyone would think he was a freak with red eyes, some sort of demon. After I’d snatched them off his face and seen them for myself, he’d gone into a nervous state, spilling the story out to me. I then told him how I’d lived my whole life with candy red blood, and how I was the only person to have it on the whole planet, a mutant blood. Now that we lived in the same house, he’d never worn shades around me. I guess it was to show how if he didn’t care that I knew, I shouldn’t care that he knew about my blood, and that we shouldn’t be shy around one another.

            “What? Can I not wear shades around you?” He argued back, defending himself. “They’re just shades.”


            “So what if I feel like wearing my shades? What’s wrong with that?” Strider questioned.

            “YOU ONLY WEAR THOSE WHEN SOMEONE ELSE IS IN THE HOU-“ I bit my tongue sharply at the words, causing it to hurt badly, but at least I’d stopped myself.

            “Karkat, you know there’s no one else.” My ‘boyfriend’ said looking all fucking innocent standing in front of me, even though there was a hint of nervousness in his voice. I assumed he was looking deeply into my eyes, but I couldn’t tell because of those stupid ass shades. Why did he even think he looked cool in them?           

            “Never-thucking-mind” I said, tongue having gone numb. The thick taste of cherry cough syrup began to diffuse around my mouth, goddamn these sharp teeth. SHOOT, I SOUND LIKE THAT NERD WITH THE SEXUAL OBSESSION WITH BEES AND. I'M. BLEEDING. THIS IS THE WORST THING EVER UGH, FUCK LUCK. FUCK LIFE. FUCK ME.  I swung back around so that I didn’t have to look at him and rubbed the back of my hand on my mouth and saw a tinge of red cover it, making me rub it furiously with the other hand to get the color out.

            “You know what?” I started, tongue still being as useless as ever and feeling a drop of blood accumulating at the end of my mouth. Gog, I needed to get away before he found out I was bleeding. “I don’t theel like having waffleth, you can have them.”  I slid the waffles away from where I was on the counter, and pushed past Dave, hand covering mouth but the air around me starting to smell slightly of artificial cherry candy, much like the cherry human cough remedy. 

            “Karkat?” Dave said, worriedly, probably recognizing the smell, but I continued up to my room, needing to get to the bathroom as quick as possible. I couldn’t stand the taste of my blood, even though a few people thought it smelled and tasted nice. Once there, I bent over the sink and began spluttering out the small amount of blood that accumulated from when I’d had to stop from swallowing it.

            I rinsed it out with water until there was no smell from my mouth, just that horrible taste. The bathroom was a completely different matter, the whole thing smelling completely of cherries, and made me dizzy. Everywhere I looked, I could see a tinge of red just from tasting the smell.

            “Karkat?” I heard, accompanied with a knock on the door to the bathroom. “Are you okay?” My head immediately switched to Dave, and the door not only had a tinge of red to it, but the word cheater seemed to come shooting out of it.

            “Y-yeth.” I replied, fuck me. Why did I have to stutter? Then he’d know something was wrong. “Just wait outthide.”

            Dave still didn’t give up. “Karkat, dude, open the door.” cheater, cheater, unfaithful, disloyal. Why are you denying it, Karkat? Are you in denial? ARE YOU IN FUCKING DENIAL??

            “Thut up, thut up, thut up!!” I whispered to myself, at least I could pronounce Ts now.  “JUTHT WAIT OUTTHIDE!!”

            “Kar, I’m coming in!” Dave yelled, and I heard as he fiddled with the lock, making it twist, probably using one of his discs to turn it. Leaving me with no option but to swing open the door and slam it as quickly as I opened it.

            “THERE I’M OUT, ARE YOU MOTHERFUCKING HAPPY?” I asked panickedly in his face.

            “Kitkat, were you bleeding? I smell cherries.”

            “I wasn’t bleeding, dumbath. Come on, letth go.” If he was going to hide something, I had the right to hide something from him.

            “Don’t joke about bleeding. It’s different to just sunglasses.”

            “HOW IS IT ANY DIFFERENT?? AND I SAID I WASN’T FUCKING BLEEDING.” I snapped, waiting for him to bring up the subject about how snappy I was being today, but strangely I didn’t get one. He’s hiding something, he’s cheating, he’s keeping secrets, he’s being disloyal.

            I headed for downstairs, the thoughts around him being too much to bear, but Dave caught my arm, which I tugged away. “I’m going to go for a walk.” Good job, if he doesn’t care about you, then you shouldn’t care about him. Do you still care for him?  The thoughts were getting worse, I needed to get away from him.

            “I’ll drive you. No offense, but your direction sense isn’t that good.”

            “I know my way around.”

            “Let’s go back to what I just said, you have no direction se-“

            “I’LL FIND MY WAY AROUND.” I countered, and walked outside, without even putting on a coat in the cold autumn we were having.

            “KARKAT??” I heard coming from the house, not in my voice, but in Dave’s. Gog, my head was doing something to me.  obscene, liar, disgraceful, cheater.

            “GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME!!! STOP IT.” I said to know one in particular, and flailed my arms around before taking a thick grip of my hair. 

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