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Madison's pov;

We had just arrived to VidCon, and put our stuff into our hotel room. Then went to get our badges and go to the expo hall and meet a few people before it closes.

I took out my vlogging camera after meeting about 20+ fans.

"we are now leaving the expo hall, we just made it before it closes. But we met tons of people andddd say hi guys" I said pointing the camera to where the boys were walking beside me.

"HIII" they all yelled and stuck there faces into the camera. I giggled "and now we are heading to the fullscreen bowling party? I think it's called so ya that will be fun" I said and then turned it off putting it in my bag.


"we finally got food" I said to the camera showing the boys and I's food

"Zachs wining so far but I mean that won't last long" I said cockily "mhm ya okay" he laughed looking at the camera.

We all had got pizza and/or salad. So it was yummy!

"HAH I WON" I yelled showing the camera to the board that said the points.

"Just barely" Riley rolled his eyes making me laugh "shh you're just jealous"

It was now dark outside and we went to the cheese cake factory before we went back to the hotel room. And I got this Oreo cake that was like heaven oh my lord.

"Look at this" I squealed showing the piece of cake I had brought back to the hotel. "We just got back to the hotel, we were at the Cheese Cake Factory, and it was lit. But now we are just gonna probably go live on younow for a bit, then get our outfits ready for tomorrow then sleep, so I'll see you guys tomorrow!" I smiled putting my hand to the lense and turning it off. Setting it on the stand beside my bed.

In the hotel we were staying in, theres like two bedrooms. So the main one that you walk into when you open the door has two beds, then there's a door that lead to another bedroom that has one bed. Apryll was staying in the back room. And Riley, Zach was on one bed, Nick and me on another bed. Since he didn't like having me sleep next to one of the other boys. He's pretty overprotective but I mean I love him so it's all good.

We went live on younow on zachs account. And answered questions and did dares.

"I dare you to run down the hallway yelling I'm pregnant" I read a comment and I laughed

"Who Zach" I asked thinking they meant him to do it.

"hahah they all said you" Riley laughed

"oh great. Riley you have to do it with me though" I glared and dragged him to the hallway. While Zach was showing the broadcast and Nick was on snapchat recording.

I sighed and then we counting to three and ran chanting were pregnant! We're pregnant! To the elevator and back. I ran inside and plopped on the bed.

"there was an old lady in the elevator who gave us a weird look" I laughed covering my slightly red face.

"ok guys, we're gonna get off. Vidcon day 1 was lit. add us all on snapchat if you want to see our days. Since we probably won't go live a lot while we're meeting you guys and doing our panels and stuff. So yah. Love you guysss" Zach smiled and ended it

Then we all changed, brushed our teeth, brushed our hair, took turns showering, and washed our faces.

"night hoes" I laughed turning the light off and jumping into bed.

Nick was laying with his head at the end of the bed, and I was laying the correct way so it wouldn't be so awkward I guess.



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