Wake Up

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For the past few days I haven't stopped thinking about what my mother said, what did she mean by it's time to wake up? Jake is out of town for a while, he didn't say how long, I am not too worried about it. "Maybe you won't remember what happened" I hear the voice say, I can feel his fear as he grabs my hand. I didn't even realize I had fallen asleep, I don't sleep much lately. I find myself laying on the couch, and suddenly I hear her voice "Wake up Anne, wake up please" I quickly sit up, mother? that was my mother's voice, it's probably my imagination, or is it?... I don't know anymore, am I asleep?! and if I am, why can't I wake up?! do I want to wake up?... do I want to go back to whatever my life really looks like, a sense of fear and anger come over me; I don't like that feeling so I ignore her voice.

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