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I feel the warmth of her body laying next to mine, but when I open my eyes she isn't there. " Anne are you awake?" I hear Madison yell on the other end of the line, "yeah sorry I zoned out for a minute," Madison is my younger sister, she kind of just showed up one day in my house claiming to be my younger sister, apparently she is only 6 years younger than me but I don't remember her at all, my parents thought that was extreme, and have not stopped asking if I've been to the doctor to get checked every time I talk to them, truth is though; I don't really want to, finding out scares me and I like my life just the way it is, regardless of the fact that I can't remember a lot of things I always feel in control, everything always turns out the way I want it, as a matter of fact I always wanted a little sister named Madison so when she showed up I wasn't afraid or paranoid, yes bit confused, but surprised to know that once again I had everything I wanted in life; and Madison is just as I always imagined she would be like, she has dark brown hair like my father and bright blue eyes like my mother, she is always happy and ever since I "found out" about her we speak on the phone every single day.

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