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I had a great day at work, being able to help women and their children who have been victims of abuse gives me comfort, I've never experienced anything like that but for some reason I always feel identified by it. As I park on my driveway, I began to hear their whispers again, "be strong, you can't give up" they say; I don't quite understand where these voices come from but they usually come from two different man and woman, I get a bit afraid every time I hear them but they bring a sense of calmness to my body each time so I stay quiet and listen, I guess I've gotten used to them being there. Jake is working late tonight, I was hoping he would, I need to be alone for a while. I sit on my couch and begin to look at old photos, I have no photos of my childhood, every time I ask my parents for them though; they tell me my childhood is not that important and to forget about it, and every time I reply, "you can't forget something you do not remember." Sometimes it feels as though my life began the day of my high school graduation, I remember everything that happened right before it; but I can't remember actually being at graduation, I mean I know it happened but I can't remember it, I can only see it in the pictures, but sometimes it's like it never happened.

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