Part 41

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Katherine’s POV

    I hear voices but can’t understand what they’re saying. There are blurred images of faces peering down at me and moving away then darkness comes again. Consciousness fades in and out. I can’t tell if I am dreaming or not. One moment I am in a car speeding down a row of bathroom stalls aiming for the wall inside the restroom of a highway rest stop. The next I feel my body being moved around on a bed and the blurred images and voices are back. I lay there forever and sometimes groaning with every exhalation just to hear something.

        Gradually things become clearer and I am a little bit more aware during these periods of consciousness. I am in hospital bed. My hands are strapped down to the sides of the bed. The bed has a netting surrounding it to keep me from falling out. I see a nurse come in and tried to talk to her. When that happened there was a commotion. I heard someone say she’s awake and then others came running in. A doctor asked me if I knew my name. As I tried to answer the voice I could hear a few more people enter the room.

      I knew my first name and after some effort I think I recalled my last name. Then I was left alone and laid there trying to comprehend what was going on. Where was I? How did I get here? What was wrong with me? Why am I tied down? I knew I was in a hospital but that was it. Nurses would come in to change my diapers or check the I.V.’s that seemed to be stuck in every vein I had. They told me I was in London and that I had been in the hospital for 43 days.

“She can talk to you know. Just try not to over whelm her,” I heard the nurse instruct.

“Thank you so much,” I could tell it was my father. Harry appeared in the room, smiling when he saw me. His puffy red eyes with dark circles under them told a story for themselves. He paused as my dad walked past him and stood right beside me.

“We’ve all missed you so much,” my father broke down and went to his knees. I sighed and turned my head to face him.

“Please stop,” he nodded and rose from the ground. He wiped his hand down his face and kissed my fore head. He looked at Harry then left the room. Harry stood next to my bed motionless. A doctor walked in and stood at the foot of my bed.

“How are you Katherine?” he asked looking down at his clipboard.

“Good. I guess,” I replied slowly.

“I’m just going to ask you a few questions. If you don’t know the answer just let me know, ok?” I nodded and he began questioning me, he asked if I remembered my address, cell phone number he even asked if I knew who was standing next to me.

“Harry,” I softly replied. He seemed relived I remembered who he was. The doctor asked me a few more questions before leaving the room. Harry grabbed a chair and dragged it next to me. He gently reached for my hand, I let him take it in to his. He stared in to my eyes; his became glossy the longer he stared.

   A nurse came in and I didn’t register what she was saying until Harry got up and started arguing with her. He hung his head and turned to me one last time before blowing a kiss.

  Harry’s POV

   I walked around the hospital trying to find Clive. When I finally did I told him what the nurse just told me. Only family members can see her right now. Clive left me to go spend time with his daughter. I didn’t know what to do with myself. Just a few minutes ago I was sleeping in the hallway, cheeks stained. I thought my worst dreams had come true, I thought she was gone. I was starting to get my hopes up, seeing a tear trail down her cheek. That quickly ended when the nurses rushed her out of the room.

   I was still trying to get over the emotional rollercoaster I had just been through. I sat down in the waiting room, waiting to be allowed to see Katherine. My hopes started rising once again when I saw Clive walking towards me.

“How is she? When can I see her?” I bombarded him with questions.

“You can’t see her yet,” he didn’t look me in the eyes.

“What? I’ve been here every day,” I felt my chin quiver.

“I know. These aren’t my rules. The doctors said,”

“The doctors don’t know what I’ve been through. This is what I’ve been waiting for, all I wanted is for her to open her eyes again and live the life she wanted to,” my hands balled in to fist.

“Harry I know, but there’s nothing I can do,” he looked sorry. He wasn’t just feeding me shit to get me to calm down, he was being sincere.

I took a deep breath, “When can I see her?”

“Maybe in a few weeks,” Clive squinted.

“What!” I knew I couldn’t take this out on Clive, he had no say in this. I flared my nostrils and turned on my heels.

“Where are you going?” Clive yelled as I stormed away. “Harry!” he called after me, but I kept walking.

   I pushed the door open, a bit too roughly but I didn’t care. I scared some rich snobs that were waiting outside the doctor’s offices. I just stared at the receptionist as she told me the doctor was busy. I walked right past her and stormed in to his office.  

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