Part 12

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   He slowly lowered his head and lightly kissed my right wrist. It felt weird to see how much he cared about me, and we just met. I disconnected with my thoughts when someone knocked on the door.

 “C-come in.” I said clearing the lump in my throat.

 “What are you two doing up here? You should be down where the party is.” Niall said opening the door a bit tipsy. I immediately dropped my wrist from Harry’s grip.

“We’ll be right down.” Harry said casually wiping his face dry.

“Well come on already.” Niall said swinging his arms around our necks. Harry and I now forced to walk with Niall down the stairs and to the party. When the door swung open I couldn’t help but notice how fancy everyone was dressed. Danielle and Eleanor cleaned up very nicely, not like they looked bad before they left. There were a few more girls that had joined their clique. My father was talking to Paul and a few other men in the corner away from the dazed champions. With the way my father was acting I could tell he was talking about business with the men. He rarely talked about anything else, even when it was time to re ward himself for his success. Harry and I set Niall down on a chair next to Zayn. Everyone had a champagne glass in their hand.

“You want a drink?” Harry asked me.

“No thanks.” I said. I gave Harry a poor smile and tried to walk past him.

“Kat. You never told us why you were in London.” Liam said. I stood still and looked over to my father. That one question took him away from his conversation and over to ours. I looked at all the boys as they awaited an answer.

“She went to go see my son off.” My father said.

 “Is he a traveler?” Niall asked. I shook my head, and looked down at the ground.

 “Paul. How much longer are we here for?” Harry asked. I looked up and it all seemed to connect together for him.

“Why do you not like it here?” my father teased.

“Two more days, then we’re back in the studio in London.” Paul replied. Everyone seemed to forget about the question and carried on with their previous conversations from before. I looked around the room, everyone holding their glasses oh so delicately. I stopped scanning the room as my eyes caught Harry’s. I remembered I hadn’t covered my wrist when Niall came in to my room. My eyes went wide as I quickly covered my scars with the plaid fabric. Ignoring what was going on around me, I left the room. I raced up to my room until my back was leaning against the door. As a million thoughts raced through my mind only one stuck out.

“Why does he care so much?” I asked myself aloud. He’s just some rich guy from a boy band, why would he care about one stupid girl. Especially when he has thousands of girls chasing after him 24/7. I lied down and turned the volume up as high as my ear phones would let me.

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