Part 26

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         I was amazed by all of the cars that filled the lane way. This is a six year olds birthday, and she has more guests then I have ever had. I ring the doorbell, and hang on tight to the envelope.

“Katherine right?” Kathy said opening the door.

“Yes. It’s nice to see you again,” I smiled stepping inside.

“Katherine,” I turned and looked down the hall and saw Kyle stepping away from a crowd of people. He was wearing khakis and a blue button up shirt. I looked down to my striped jeans and yellow top and rethought about my interpretation of ‘dress nice’ that Ava warned me about.

“Hey,” I said stepping closer to him.

“I told you not to get her anything,” Kyle smiled taking the envelope from me. “It’s thick?” he looked at me confused.

“Where is the birthday girl?” I asked.

“She’s playing with the clown,” Kyle pointed in to a different room. “I’d like to introduce you to some people,” Kyle took my hand and lead me in to the living room. The house was filled with people. They were dressed like Kyle. Most of the people that I met gave me dirty looks, and acted like they were better than me just because of what I was wearing.

“Oh you came,” Trish said approaching Kyle and I.

“Hi Trish,” I said and grabbed a drink form the side.

“Kyle can I show you something?” she asked hanging off his arm.

“Sorry Trish, but it would be rude to leave my guest,”

“I’m your guest,”

“Yes. But she has no clue how to get around and she doesn’t know as many people as you do,”

“You’re right. I guess that means I’m popular where ever I go,” she batted her eye lashes before walking away. I really felt out of place here. Everyone here was dressed nice, drinking champagne and talking about politics or chanels new bag.

“Present time!” Kathy said bringing in Jewel. She sat down on the couch and everyone gathered around. Trish’s family got her a small Cadillac she could drive around the back yard with. A lot of people got her Barbie’s or money. I was debating whether or not to just wait until everyone leaves before giving her my gift.

“What do you say Jewel?” Kyle’s dad said.

“Thank you everyone!” she beamed.

“Wait Katherine still has her gift to give,” Kyle smiled to me. I felt everyone’s judgmental eyes on me. my converse squeaked on the floor as I walked up and handed Jewel the envelope.

“Don’t get your hopes up Jewel,” I turned to the crowd and saw Trish smirking at me.

“Happy birthday Jewel,” I said softly handing her the white envelope.  She ripped it open as if there were no tomorrow. I know she couldn’t read. But once she saw the huge 1D logo she screamed.

“Mommy, Daddy look!” she yelled holding up the passes. Kathy’s eyes went wide as she took the passes in her hands.

“What are they?” someone asked from the crowd.

“Passes to meet one Direction,” Kyle’s father read off then looked at me shocked. The room was silent; I could feel everyone’s eyes on me, and jaws on the floor.

“We can’t take these,” Kyle’s dad said quietly handing them to me.

“Yes you can,” I smiled and pushed them back towards him. Kathy stood there speechless.

“Thank you thank you thank you!” Jewel said running up to me and hugging my legs. I smiled and looked around the room. Everyone was now second guessing me. I looked to Kyle. He was smiling, yet frowning at the same time. The room seemed to shift after that. An hour later people were collecting their kids and loading up the cars.

“Do you need any help?” I asked Kathy as she started collecting paper plates.

“Oh no you’ve done more than enough,” she said taking a plate from my hands.

“Okay well I’m going to head out. It was a wonderful party,” I smiled. She set the plates down and walked towards me. Her arms wrapped around me. I awkwardly stood there until she was done.

“Thank you so much. You don’t know how much this means to her,”

“It’s nothing really,” I smiled before grabbing my coat. I let myself out and walked towards my car.

“Katherine!” I turned and saw Kyle running towards me.

“Hey,” I smiled.

“My dad would like to know if you could join us tomorrow for dinner,” Kyle asked.

“What time?”

“Around 6?”

“I’ll be here,” I smiled and got in to my car. 

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