Part 37

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           I jolted awake. My body is damp and sticky. I feel beads of sweat sitting on my forehead. I try to steady my breathing. I look around the room and remember all of the incidences. My heart jumped out of my mouth when I see an empty bed in front of me. I scattered to my feet and rushed out of the room. The hallway was empty. I reached the desk that sat in front of the elevators, the empty desk. I looked around what seemed to be the deserted hospital until I heard a noise.

    My head whipped around to see a fragile girl walking towards me in a hospital gown.

“Katherine!” I yelled running towards her. I wrapped my arms around her, knocking the wind right out of her lungs. I felt her weight on my arms, she was no longer supporting herself. Her feet caved and she dropped, I caught her and set her on the ground. She began coughing. I started to panic, looking around the dark halls. “Everything’s going to be okay,” I reassured her. I didn’t even believe myself as tears flowed from my eyes. Her dry heaves sounded like they were on to something, red liquid spewed out of her mouth. “Is anyone here?” I shouted trying to keep her head up.  The blood poured out and on to the floor. “Katherine please,” I said and began to sob, as the life was being drained from her.


“Katherine please,” I begged.

“Sir,” I heard a women say softly. My eyes shot open, a nurse was standing beside me, hovering over my chair.  My chest rose rapidly, I quickly looked at the bed. Katherine lied there; nothing had changed from when my eyes closed.

“I’m sorry sir but visiting hours are over,” she explained.

“I’m not leaving,” I said bluntly.

“I’m sorry but these aren’t my rules,”

“I am staying,” I said looking away from her.

“There is a car waiting for you downstairs,” my stare returned to her.


“They wouldn’t tell me why,” she started adjusting tubes on Katherine.

“What time can I come in tomorrow?” I asked walking to the door.

“The visiting hours begin at eight,” I kept walking until I reached the elevator. I didn’t want to leave, but I knew she would have back up to throw me out of this place. I was a bit curious about why a car was here for me? I smiled a toothless smile to the familiar bodyguard as he walked me pass the screaming girls and in to the car. I dug my phone out of my pocket, it was almost ten thirty.

      I yawned as the driver told me I was home. I didn’t want to be. I wanted to be with Katherine, whether she is awake or not. I want to be by her side every minute. I threw the strap of my bag over my shoulder and walked in to my flat. I set my alarm for seven thirty and fell into my bed. My eyes shot open once my head was against the pillow. I tossed and turned, not able to get my energetic mind off her.

     I ended up cancelling my alarm and getting up way before I planned. A knock at my door makes me eerie; it’s six thirty, who is at my door? I opened it, and was pushed back by Niall and Liam entering my flat.

“What the hell?” I said as they stood in the foyer.

“We wanted to know if you’re still up for doing the video,” Niall said quietly. Fuck. I had forgotten all about the video shoot today. Liam and Niall must have been able to read my face like a book.

“We get it lad,” Liam said lifting his cheek in to a sympathetic smile.

“I’m sorry. I just can’t,” I said covering my eyes. I’m known for being emotional, but I’ve never been this emotional before.

“Do you want to talk about it?” Niall asked.

“I don’t know what there is to say,” I forced a smile. They both shrugged their shoulder.

“Are you going to see her today?” Liam asked. I nodded.

“Steve said we’re having a meeting tomorrow at noon,” Niall informed me.

      I sighed once the door clicked behind them. I looked at the clock, by the time I actually got there the doors would just be opening. I grabbed my keys and locked the house up. My assumption was right, I rushed to her room.

      I sat by her side. I stared at her, hoping she would just open her eyes and want to go home. Disappointment flooded through my veins when the nurse came up to me and told me to leave. I need to find a way to be able to stay here all night. What if something happens to her, I need to be here. I don’t know what I would do if I was awaken by a phone call informing me of her…. I don’t even want to think of it. My dream only made my thought worse. The image of her body covered in blood haunted me. I need to get some rest, I have that meeting tomorrow with management. They’ll probably bitch me out for missing the video shoot today. Our tour’s coming up, real soon. I need to figure out a way to somehow post pone the dates. Just for a while. It’s too early for me to go back to work, travel around the world.

    I don’t want to be showing the world a fake smile. So many girls have told me we saved their lives. We are the only positive thing in their lives. It was hard to believe, the boys would always talk about it after. We couldn’t wrap our heads around how we could have that big of an impact on someone. We never knew we would become this big, we only dreamt. I never knew Katherine would have this big of an impact on me. it was something about her that drew me to her, I still haven’t figured it out myself. I’m glad she did, who knows where she would be now if she didn’t.

****Sorry it's so short*****

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