Elsa: what's wrong

Jack: who is this and why is he on your phone

Jack showed Elsa her phone. It was a picture of Elsa and Olaf and marshmallow. Elsa started laughing.

Elsa: t-That's my dogs

Jack: still you should of put a picture of me

Elsa: but your not as cute as them

Jack: so your saying your dogs are cuter then me

Elsa: yup

Jack: give me your password to unlock your phone

Elsa: give me

Jack: tell me I'll do it

Elsa: I'll change it later. It's 1027

Jack: thank you

Elsa: your welcome

Jack put in his number and gave it back to her.

Elsa: hey why is this ride taking forever.

Jack: I don't know ask my driver

Elsa: it's your driver

Jack: fine. Hey mr.Ronald why is this car ride slow.

Mr.Ronald: I'm sorry sir but there was an accident and now there traffic.

Elsa: let me call my mom then

Jack: text her I don't want to hear her cries no offense

Elsa: fine



Hey mom I'm going to be home kind of late

Why? Is Jack there if he is I trust him

There's traffic AND WHY DO YOU TRUST HIM

He's a good guy

When he's around you he's good BUT ME HES A PLAYBOY

oh are you excited about the wedding

Change the topic really mom

Yes and Elsa your dad wants to see you, so take a picture or is it called sevfie


That's how you spell it

Hold on let me take a selfie

Selfie that's how you spell it

Selfie that's how you spell it

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A/n: do me a favor. Let's all pretend that Elsa is wearing Jack sweater Kay and there no snowflake in her hair. She's smiling like that and that's her hair. Pretend she's holding a phone Kay. BACK TO STORY


See tell dad I'm ok and still alive


Bye mom I'll see you when I'm home love you

Love you too be safe

Elsa turn her phone off and look at a sleeping Jack.

Elsa: now where his phone

Elsa looked for his phone and saw a bright light in his shirt pocket.

Elsa: why didn't I see that

Elsa took Jack phone and look at it.

Elsa: 33 miss call?? Who calls him that much. Called Id is my little monster? Maybe his little sister

Elsa picked up Jack pointer finger and put it on the fingerprint thing. ( idk what's it's called). The phone unlock.

Elsa: this pervert

On Jack phone there are porn games. Elsa went to the phone app and see who called him a thousand times. She clicked on the caller and saw her picture.

Elsa: of course it's Chloe

Elsa then went on Jack snap chat account.

Elsa: maybe a photo

Elsa took a picture of sleeping Jack and put a caption on it. The caption says " your little princess was here love you". She drew a mustache on the picture. She also drew circle glasses and fake drool.

Elsa: he's going to love this

Elsa went on his Twitter and saw the picture Jack posted with her and him in it. She started reading the comments.


Scarletxol546: Is her name Elsa. She's so pretty. Jack better take care of her

Igot1000husband: There so cute

Lolooolooolloolo: I hope they make kids



One_dance-lamo: relationship goals

Army_2.0: #goals #cute aren't they getting married

Ew: I don't ship it that's gross

Jack_for_life: she's only there for the money

Elsa stop reading the comments and put Jack phone back. She went on her phone. She went on her snapchat looking at stories. Then Twitter to see people are following her and mentioning her in comments.

Elsa: now I'm famous

Elsa turn off her phone and went to sleep

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