for real now: i'm leaving wattpad

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//lowercase intended//

guys so this isn't a prank or anything anymore. i've only been on wattpad for a year and a half and it's been very fun having you guys read and comment and vote on my books. i found friends here on wattpad and had really fun but it's sadly coming to an end.

for now, at least.

i don't really have time to write books anymore. but don't worry because i won't be deleting any of my books. i honestly just want to focus on my life right now and it's pretty hard to use lots of social media at once. because i do have a lot of accounts.

i know that some of you might be angry at me right now because i left most of you hanging with my ongoing books but please remember i also have a life outside of wattpad.

this is not permanent. maybe i'll find time to write books again here but definitely not soon. please also don't unfollow because i might update sometime soon. you never know.

so guys, thanks for the fun wattpad life.

this is goodbye.

for now.

see you soon.


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