Chapter 2: Deal On

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|| Katniss ||

I hold up my dress with my left hand and hold my drink with the other hand. I walk around until I find my friend, Annie. I approach her and she looks at me with an excited grin.

"What has gotten into you?" I ask and place my drink on the table.

I pull back the chair beside her and sit down on it. I pull myself towards the table a bit before turning to face her.

"Katniss you won't believe what just happened! Finnick just asked me out on a date!" she squeals and I slowly clap.

"He finally had the balls to ask you out, huh?" I tease and Annie playfully slaps my shoulder.

"But I'm still really happy. What about you Kat? Have you found someone yet?"

"No but I found this one guy that I'm sure I will hate forever. He's such a jerk and he talked to me. Actually no, he wasn't talking to me but he was screaming at me. I just want to stab him with a knife just because I bumped into him." I say in my gossip voice.

"I never knew anyone would actually hate you Kat. I mean, everyone loves you because you're flawless! You are so beautiful and gifted. Anyone would regret being your enemy." she replies.

Annie laughs and shakes her head. She continues to laugh like a maniac and I laugh along with her. After a few moments of laughing, I excuse myself and walk to where the bathrooms are.

I enter the women's bathroom and place my hands on the sink. I stare at my reflection in the mirror before deciding to retouch my makeup. I fix my mascara and add a bit of press powder on my face. I also dab a bit of lipstick and pop my lips together.

Once I'm satisfied with how I look, I place the strands of hair in front of my face behind my ear. That's just to avoid it getting into the water. I open the water and wash my hands off the bits of makeup that smudged on it. I turn the tap off and fix my hair again before going out of the bathroom.

Bad idea.

I shouldn't have stepped out of the bathroom at that time because once I did, someone grabbed me by the waist and covered my mouth. I struggle against the person but he holds my wrists together with one hand and he shushes me by placing a finger on my lips.

"Ssh. I'm not going to hurt you." he whispers in my ear.

I can feel his warm breath against my necj as he moves me to a wall and I stop struggling. He slams my back against the wall and I take this opportunity to take a look at his face. Blonde hair, blue eyes, cute nose, tig-wait, I know this guy!

My one and only enemy, Peeta Mellark.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" I ask in my venomous voice.

He moves closer to my face so that his lips are lightly brushing mine.

"I need you to do something for me. You're lucky I picked you because you are hot as hell and I'm only going to say that once." he explains but I only catch some of his words because I am too disturbed by his lips.

"And what would that be?" I ask in a softer voice.

My eyes are still focused on his lips and he notices this. His lips curve upwards into a smirk.

"I need you to pretend to be my girlfriend." he replies.

This catches me off-guard. What? He wants me to pretend to be his girlfriend? And for what reason would that be?

"No." I simply reply.

"I don't think that would still be your answer if I tell you what you'll get in return." his smirk gets wider.

"Well then, fine. I'll be your fake girlfriend." I snicker.

"Is that for real?" he asks in disbelief.

"You wish." I laugh.

"I'm serious here, Everdeen." he growls.

Wow. That was freaking hot and sexy as fuck.

"I bet you would just fall in love with me." I laugh.

"Oh, really? Maybe you'd be the one to fall for me since you're not accepting the offer." he chuckles with that smirk still on his face.

"Is that a challenge, Mellark?" I ask with a threatening voice.

He doesn't respond but his face still has that evil smirk on it. Oh, how I want to slap that smirk off of his face right now.

"Okay." I reply and he laughs.

"I knew I'd be able to convince you easily." he says and I raise an eyebrow.

"Really? I take that back, actually." I tease.

I pretend to start walking away but he grabs the back of my neck and pulls me close to his face again.

"No more backing out, love." he hisses.

I smile evilly and simply nod my head. This would be, oh, so fun.

"But don't forget, there will be things we'll have to do that normal couples really do." he reminds.

"Uh oh, like what?" I pretend to be scared but he's not stupid so he knows this.

"Like this." that's all he says before his lips slam onto mine.

He kisses me like there's no tomorrow. He even ruins my hairdo because he pulls on my hair and brings me closer to his body. I moan into his mouth when his tongue forcefully enters mine. He abruptly pulls back and just like that, the paradise is gone.

He's a good one. This will be a total challenge.

Ooh, I loved this chapter.

I liked writing this chapter because that was just the beginning of everything. Hehe, just pretend I'm winking. This was pretty short though.

Maybe also some bed shaking action between Everlark. Oh my gosh that sounded totally weird.

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Shirley xx

"You said you love me and I said I love you back, what happened to that?"

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