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The tip of the paintbrush

Punctured her skin,

Just as a needle would.

The paint falling into rhythm

With her blood

Before replacing it

With her flaws and demons,

Spreading throughout

Her body and veins.

The paint is red,

Mirroring what was once there.

Instead of controlling

Her whole body,

It courses through her veins

And pushes her heart

Upon her sleeve

For all to see.

Even her tears mirror

The paint.

The pain flowing out,

As though the amount of tears

She had already shed weren't enough

She is now drowning

In many emotions.

Many see the pain

And they know of her existence,

But not of what courses through her veins.

They don't know

That she is struggling to breathe

The same oxygen as they do.

Every particle now

Whispers of the wrong

She's done.

Every suffocating breath now

Whispers of her flaws,

Both real and imagined.

No one knew her.

They had yet to know

That she was art,

But what they did know

Was that art

Was built upon



Word Count: 147 Words

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