Task Five Entries: Overseas

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Christopher Barros

Chris, unlike so many of the other explorers, felt at home in the jungle. The heat didn't bother him and the humidity made him feel alive. Even compared to the other two remaining Castelobruxo students, it was obvious that Christopher was born and raised in the jungle. The brilliant greens of the leaves mingled with the soft brown bark and the occasional red streak of a parrot or pink of a flower showed up, painting a familiar picture in front of Christopher. The vibrant beauty of the jungle, however, could not even hope to be anywhere close to that of Elspeth Ladds. Elspeth was not a brilliant green, or a soft brown, or even a streak of red. She was instead a dazzling light in the darkness, brighter and more vibrant that the jungle, or all of South America, would ever be.

Chris knew he should have been paying attention to Faraji's lecture on which spells to use in emergencies because these spells could very well save his or someone else's life, but he couldn't help but stare at Elspeth. Her long dark hair was tied into a messy side braid and her dark eyes gleamed with joy and interest.

"I need all of you to stay in my sight at all times, understood? I hope that all of you were paying attention. These spells must only be used in a dire emergency or in the other scenarios described," Faraji stood in front of all the remaining students and dropped his wand back to his side. He quickly glanced over his shoulder at the ruins behind him, then began to speak to the students once more "Now, I need all of you to split into groups of three, preferably ones that you know you will be compatible with because we can't afford to lose a group due to bickering. Again."

Chris gently moved other people out of his way as he walked through the crowd to Elspeth, "¡Señora! Do you want, um, would you like to be my... I do not know the English... my leader?"

Christopher's cheerful smile was quickly replaced with a slight confused frown when one of Elspeth's friends quickly giggled and shoved El into Christopher. Suddenly, recognition and a bright red blush flashed across Chris's face as he realized what her friend was thinking.

"No! No! Um, I do not mean it like that. No es mi novia. I am trying to be simpaticó! Uh, nice!" The words poured out of Christopher's mouth, jumbling together as he attempted to make a hasty explanation. Deep down, however, he knew that no explanation was going to save him from Elspeth's friend's teasing.

Christopher stared at is feet, silently cursing himself for not paying more attention in his English course. He knew what they must have been thinking, and while they were spot on about his feelings for Elspeth, he wasn't sure if he wanted anyone to know yet. He was just trying to be polite and follow instructions. And he and Elspeth were compatible, weren't they?

"Shut up, Marielle. He's just being polite. Yes, I'll be your leader, but I think the word you're looking for is partner," Elspeth jokingly pushed Marielle to the side and linked arms with Chris.

"¿Señor Wekesa? I have my partners. Are we able to go in the temple now?" Chris unlinked arms with Elspeth and looked up at Faraji.

In return, Faraji smiled, "Yes, let me come with you. I'm sure the other experts can figure the rest of the students out."

The group of four walked into the maze of shattered rock and gold. Tall structures of terracotta-colored stone arched overhead, creating a cathedral-like space. A single slab of stone lay in the center, directly under a skylight which allowed a few beams of sunlight to kiss the top of the slab. On the slab were many different stains, some of which appeared to be blood.

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