Castelobruxo Slot 4: Ailenia Cirirano

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Name- Ailenia Cirirano

Age- Sixteen

Gender- Female

School- Castelobruxo

Nation of Origin- Portugal (Angra do Heroismo one of the clusters of islands off the Portuguese coastline)

Appearance- In many ways, Ailenia's facial features have mastered the disguise of a true genius underneath. Her hair demands the attention of wandering eyes in the school's hallway, with the softening peaks filled with swirling tones of fiery reds and iridescent browns traipsing down her slender back. When intrigued by the almost goddess-like aura that surrounds her curvaceous body, others tend to draw towards her eyes. Depicted with the most mellow shade of brown, Ailenia's charming gaze is seamlessly filled with clusters of gold and hazel. Squished between her striking eyes is her buttoned nose that when scrunched up is smooshed into a delicate mushroom shape. Compared to her delicate facial features, her eyebrow's break from the pack. Both dark and strong structured, Ailenia's brows perfectly frame her orbital eyes. To top off her godly appearance, Ailenia has been blessed with both thick and plumped lips and a reasonably muscular physique compacted into only five feet and six inches.

Personality- Unlike many of the peaceful inhabitants of Angra do Heroismo, Ailenia strives the street filled with ambition. Since a young age, she has been defiant again the social normalities of being a woman in her town. Her best efforts and a high drive to succeed have easily been overlooked with her gender being the only thing that matters. From her struggles in life, she has grown resentful to authority and can struggle to befriend such male acquaintances. From this, Ailenia's attention to romance or so called flirting can go over her head and may be the root of her focus on a successful career rather than acting out a real life romance film. Although with her intellect causing a very straight forward way of thinking, no man would dare to approach in a flirtatious manner. To others her age, especially those in clicks, she may be hated for the intellect. This is not helped by her love for facts or the ability to remember even the most peculiar facts. Though with a passion so strong for magizoology, Ailenia has found a way to brush off the jealousy of her classmates. Ailenia has also become overwhelming comfortable in her own company and when a group of people, she finds it hard to interact. This effectively has labeled her "gawky" and "weird". Although, judging by her soaring scores at school not even labels can stop her from achieving what she wants in life.

Wand Characteristics- Simular to her mother, Ailenia wields a superbly light wand thought to be a training wand to others. It's lightness in colour ranges from the locally grown balsa trees, that when combined with the hairs of the mythical phoenix can increase the fluidity of magic from the handle to tip. The handle is simple, detailed with the carving of her family name, surrounded by the ancestral marking that is believed to be the source of the portuguese magic.

Patronus- Surprisingly Ailenia's spirit animal is a fox as they too are agile, intellectual and are hated for the wrong reasons.

Other- Ailenia comes from a long line of ancestral portuguese magic that only the women can embrace. Her brother is muggle, however is fascinated by the magical world.

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