this predicament

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She didn't have his class the next day, and for the first time she was thankful for it. Her head was still cloudy with the wild happening, and was continually scolding herself. It persisted until the next day, when she had no choice but to face him. He was giving off an angry vibe, which startled her. His gaze was brutal, and no one wanted to be in it. His usual soft hazel eyes were tired and a little red, and his hands were tossing his hair around furiously to get it out of his eyes. She worried, and wondered why he was acting so strange. He was only like this on a few occasions, but it was never in this odd manner.

His eyes fell to hers in the middle of his lecture. She dropped her eyes to the floor, sliding down in her chair slightly. He sucked in his lips, tugging at the end of his shirt a little as he walked to his desk. He grabbed a stack of papers and slapped them onto a girl's desk, leaning down to ask her if she could pass them out. She was shocked, but smiled at him and obeyed. He had smiled back at her, making her cheeks flash red, causing a few other girls to laugh.

He growled lowly at how slow the girl was moving around the room, and began talking about how the class had done on the small exam. Elizabeth rolled her eyes at the inked up paper in her hand. She knew it wouldn't be good, not really worrying about it. She set it on her desk as she watched the evidently angry man speaking in front of her. Her ears heard the boy that sat behind her, Gordy Clarke, snicker and spat out a joke about her grade. She rolled her eyes and turned around just to slap his knee with a forced laugh.

As Mr. McCartney continued loudly, Lizzy's eyes were drawn to the scribbled writing at the top corner of the paper in front of her. She hadn't noticed it before, realizing it asked something of her. Her slender fingers curled a bottom corner of the paper as she read

"I'd like to speak about this predicament after class Miss Elizabeth".

She wondered if she should. She didn't want to be alone with him. The thought of the predicament having nothing to do with her awful score also came to mind. What if he wanted to address what happened two days ago? What did he even think of what happened? Her mind was tangled up, and she hardly realized it was time to go. Everyone around her was scurrying and heading out, wanting to exit the realm of the angry professor. Lizzy was slow, but went with the option of leaving, ignoring his wish of speaking to her.

"Miss Elizabeth?" he beckoned, making her stop in her tracks. A few people groaned as they walked around her to leave. She took a deep breath and turned around, hearing the door close behind her. His dark hands were working at undoing his tie, stripping it off and tossing it onto his desk. She wondered why his tired eyes wouldn't look at her.

"I asked if you wouldn't mind staying a while, to discuss this ordeal," he scratched his beard as he leaned against his desk. She had moved closer to him now, a little ways in front of him. Her pulse had picked up, enough to where she could hear it in her ears.

"What ordeal is that?" she asked quietly.

His eyes darted to the window, but back to her. "You should come closer Lizzy, I can hardly hear you."

She swallowed loudly and took a few steps closer to him. He didn't seem as upset, and his face was more relaxed. He nodded his head back, motioning for her to get closer to him. She was only arm's length apart from him now, and his long limbs could easily reach her in an instant.

"Lizzy I think you know what problem I mean," he lowered his voice and his eyes, being sure they stayed locked on hers. She felt herself catch her head. She only nodded, confused if he still wanted it or meant he wanted to end it in words, so she didn't make any movement.

One of his fingers cracked as he pushed his left knuckles with his right hand. His hand slowly reached for her left cheek, allowing himself to feel the smooth warm magnificence that was Lizzy. Her lips split, her warm breath hitting his thumb. Her eyes flicked between his eyes and his lips.

"It is so damn hard to stay away from you," he let out, his eyes falling to her lips. "You are so incredibly beautiful Lizzy." His pink, strained eyes were soft now, an almost sad look played them, but she knew it wasn't only grief.

"Don't stay away then," she whispered, her voice unable to go higher.


Woops, short and another cliffhanger...i just have to.

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