"I'm fine honest." His eyes looked slightly more relieved then narrowed at Damon when I spoke.

"Yes she is fine meaning you can leave now." Damon's eyes narrowed back and I flinched. I wiggled out of his grasp and slowly clambered out of the bed. I flinched when my ankle touched the floor I didn't let it show it hurt but I couldn't help limping instead of walking. I blushed when I looked down and realised I was still in my bikini.

"Actually could you both leave I would like to shower and change...wait...this isn't my room!?" I looked around and saw a room which was a lot more relaxed than my room. I realised then that candles were not burning. There were lights! Meaning electricity! I looked and on the other side of the bed was a very large flat screen!  And lining the walls were hundreds of books. The walls themselves were a sky blue covered in clouds that looked real enough to touch. The sky was a deep blue and had tiny dots which I guessed were constellations. I couldn't help the gasps escaping my lips as I saw more and more. It was beautiful.

Damon got up wrapped his arms around me and kissed my forehead.

"Do you like it?" He whispered in my ear.

"Did you do this?" I spoke back quietly. He blushed slightly and nodded. I went on my tip-toes and kissed his cheek.

"Thank you so much." I blushed slightly. Then I realised that Cole was still in here. I turned to see him still stood beside the bed with tears in his eyes. I wiggled out Damon's grasp and limped up to Cole. I brushed a tear that fell away. I hugged him to me and he wrapped his arms around me resting his head on my shoulder.

"I'm fine I promise you" He just nodded against me.

"I think its time we both left now." Damon spoke through an incredibly strained voice. I pulled out of Cole's hug and nodded my thanks.

"Thank you so much for saving my life. I owe you both." I whispered the last part.

"You owe us nothing my angel. I will be back later to check on you." I smiled at Damon and nodded. He beckoned for Cole to leave first. He placed a small kiss against my cheek and walked out fast saying goodbye as he left.

"I'm so glad you are alright beaut.." Damon glowered at him before he could finish speaking and was muttering under his breath.

"I swear if he touches her again..." I don't think he meant for me to hear but I did.

"He is just being friendly." I whispered but I knew he heard me. His head snapped up and his eyes softened.

"I know angel. I can just be overly jealous. I will see you later." He planted a small kiss against my lips. As he pulled back I decided I didn't want him to and wrapped my hands in his hair bringing his lips back down to mine.

The kiss started of delicate and soft as if he was afraid of hurting me. After a while he turned the kiss deeper and my pulse went up so loud I swear he must of heard it. We both pulled back our breathing heavy. He planted a quick hard kiss against my lips and stalked out. I was stood there trying to sort out my breath and wondering why he left so fast. I turned to go into the shower room and jumped when I felt a pair of arms wrap around me. I felt a kiss against my cheek.

"I forgot to say goodbye." Damon whispered in my ear. I smiled softly and he smiled back before winking at me then walking out and leaving me to shower.


An hour later I was showered and dressed in a light purple summer dress. It luckily covered my bruises, it didn't cover my ankle though but there was nothing I could do about that. There was a very large bruise down my back and that one hurt the most but I did what I could to ignore it. My ankle twinged slightly but after the shower it felt much better. It would be fine after a couple of days. Luckily the dress was long sleeved and covered my bruised arms.

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