imagine ......

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it has been 3 minths since you and Y/C have been dating . You are debating on weather you should break up with him or not . Because he hasnt been passionte enough . Last week you said i love you for the first time and he didnt even say it back . He kissed you and walked away . So now , here we are youre ready to break up with him . You two are standing in front of your locker and youre ready to break the news to him .

" look , Y/C i really do like you and all but - " you start but he cuts you off

he looks into your eyes making you stop talking and do nothing but stare .

" Baby , i know that i havent been making you feel the way you should feel . And im sorry . I was saving those three specisl words ( i love you ) for a special day . But i guess i have no choice . Ill say it now . Ive been wanting to tell you this for a long time ...... Its hard to say how i feel when i am around you . You have an amazing personality , you mean so much to me , and baby i love you . Youre my everything . And ill do just about anything for you not to leave me . So please dont go . The world is opening up so many closed doors , just so we can make our way in . So baby , hear me and believe me when i say this , i love you . And i will never let you go . "

you begin to cry .

" oh love , thats all i wanted to hear you say . I love you too "

he kissed you and he walks you home .

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