Imagine ......

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You and your crush are in English class . Your teacher has assigned you to write a paper telling something you have never said but always have wanted to say it .

" alright y/c why dont you share with us whats on your paper . " the teacher asked

Right now you are paying no attention you are finisbing up writing your paper . Y/c starts sleaking aloud .

" for a while I have been crushing on this girl . beautiful . Yes . You all know her . Yes she goes to this school . And yes she is in this class . But here is the thing . Im afraid that if I tell her that I like her she wont like me back . And even though there is a good chance of that hallening I am gonna take the risk . Because I have always loved this girl ...... "

You look up and look in to his eyes and see him looking back .

" y/n . I love you " he finishes

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