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you and y/c have been dating for a while now and you really like eachother. and you are both virgins. so you two are at your houze and you are alone in your bed lying down with his arm wrapped around you. you look up to him.

" baby, im hungry" you say

" y/n why dont you eat something baby??" he asks you

" im lazy" you say laughing and getting up from your position

he giggles as you lean in for a kiss. you two start to get in to it more. then he rubs his hand up your waiste causing your skirt to lift up a little bit. he continues to rub your thies and kiss you as yoy climb on top of him. you hover over his body as you guys get even mofe into the kiss. you lift your body up from the position you two were in and you take his hang and place it on your hips.

" are you sure your ready for this Y/N??" he asked you

' im more ready than ill everr be" you said

he smiles at you and he takes your shirt off slowly.

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