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You are walking down the crowded halls of your school and you are carrying 5 heavy books due to the classwork you had to complete in class. You see your arch enemy come towards you. You look down trying to avoid you. But in his eyes you lookong down is just you caliing his name saying " hey come mess with me !!" he approaches you when you didnt notice. And he trips you. And you fall withh all of your books landing in the floor exept one that landed on your finger and nearly crushed it.

" ahh" you scream getting everyones attention.

everyone watching is what he wants to happen. so he can feel special and cool. and it just so happened that one of the peopme watching was Y/C. he was looking at you with those peircing eyes. and you look at him for help. but it doesnt seem like he gets the sigh !!

he kicks you in your side causing you pain.... EVERYWHERE !!!! By this time you have a huge bruise on your side.

" please stop. i have done nothing to hurt you " you cry

then you hear loud and mad footsteps walking towards you and you hear a clank against the wall.

" dont you ever put your hands on her again !!!" you hear someone scream angrily

you turn around slowly to see..... Y/C standing over you offering you a hand and T/E ( the enemy) on the floor in so much pain.

you force your hand up abd grabhis. and he gently pulls you up. you cant feel your limbs !!! do to the paib that T/E ha put you through.

" thank you Y/C " you say soflty to him

he looks at you and he smiles

" your welcome and im sorry i even let him touch you. i shouldve stopped him earlier. " he said

" its ok" you mumbled forcing a smile

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