Chapter Eleven- I am here to propose a deal of your interest.

Start from the beginning

'Ow,' It hurts.

It was really gloomy in his apartment, his mop of dark hair, messier than ever—confirming that he was sleeping, his brownie eyes darkened while he gazed at me, straight-faced.

"It's h-hurting." I winced, as the tears started to form in my eyes and I immediately looked down at the floor, not wanting him to see the glisten that just formed.

I had never shown this side to anyone. How could I break in front of Nobody then?

No, I can't. I pulled back my guard.

"It really does..." He replied a mysterious answer in less harsh voice, as he loosened the grip on my wrists.

"What do you want?" He asked, not letting me go.

"Can we talk like humans first?" I frowned at him, trying to get out of his hold.

"I'm listening." But, he's as stubborn as always!

"What it is that you had to come to my place in three in the morning."

His face was few inches away, his eyes not leaving mine. I thought I saw something in his brown orbs before it disappeared.

"I want you to walk away from the tomorrow's fight."

I saw him smirking, as if he understood something that I didn't mention. "So, your boyfriend sent you here to do his dirty work? Well, I won't! Ask him to man up and walk away himself."

I brought my brows together. Not knowing what to say I trailed, "Please... if you won't walk away, he'll lose his captainship and basketball—which means a lot to him." I tried to explain.

He sighed, looking away. He smelled like cucumber with peanut butter. But, the aroma of cigarettes was still lingering in his one room apartment. Which was hell of a mess to even look at.

How can he live in a dingy place like this?

His hands were still holding my wrists but, it wasn't a painful grip anymore—or a not even a grip for a matter of fact. It was as if he was simply holding me.

My stomach flipped back and forth when he placed his finger under my chin and forced me to look into those eyes.

"Are you seriously for real? Why do you even think I'll do that? I guess that your attempt of coming here is nothing but a failure." He mocked, his eyes getting darker, as he raised his eyebrow in the end.

"I'll give you the money you need. And do not deny. I know you need some." I said in a one go, looking away because I knew he was going to blast on this piece of information. Honestly, I never thought that I would use it like this. But, I was left with no choice.

I looked back at him. His face changed from mocking into an expressionless one. His eyes were unreadable. His hold dropped on me and I quickly stepped aside, afraid of him.

He ran a hand through his hair and out of nowhere he hit the wall hard with his bear fist. I jumped back, scared, he might hurt me too.

His fist turned white then abruptly it was all red and his knuckled started to bleed.

No pain was visible of his face but only anger.

Oh god! I shouldn't have come here... It's was a terrible mistake!!!

"So, you were spying on me!!! Tell me everything you heard and who else knows about it?!!!" His voice louder than ever. I couldn't recall if I'd seen him this furious in past month.

"" My stomach was awfully hurting with fear, as my legs started to shook. I stammered more than I did in past seventeen years and I just couldn't take a single word out of my sore throat.

He took a very dangerous step towards me.

"I asked you something!!" He yelled, jolting me inside.

Finally, I couldn't hold any longer and tears barged out.

No one ever talked to me like that. No one ever yelled at me so loudly with so much loath in their eyes.

What did I do to deserve it?

Breathe, Elle. You are doing great job just hold up a little longer. Everyone has their reasons to be what they are... you just have to find his. And don't forget you're here for your best friend.

He didn't seem to be affected with my tears, as he got the hold of my waist and pulled me closer to him.

So close that I could hear his hard breathing and feel the heat of anger.

I didn't dare look up, in his eyes but, quickly mustered, "I wasn't spying. I got nothing to do with you. I just only once or I guess... twice heard you talking on the phone to your dad— to whom you have to pay, I guess. That's it. I don't know anything else. I promise. And no one knows about it. Not even Kim." I sighed, as I forgot to take one in between all the explaining, and continued in a little calm manner, "I don't mean you any harm Evan. I just want you to walk away from the fight." Tears were already speeding down towards my cheeks, as I finished off. I didn't stutter for even once. And gladly, held back the waterworks.

"I. Want. You. To. Leave. Right. Now. Please..." His voice filled with heavy emotions most of it was anger.

I nodded. He let go of me and I hurriedly scurried off of his apartment and then his shabby looking building, without even a glance back.

I didn't know what offended him more. Me coming to his place? Me talking him out of the fight? Me trying to help him?

Or maybe it was just him, himself. Maybe I just triggered a memory or something.

Because I clearly remembered, he requested me to leave not pushed or kicked me out.

Now, that has to mean something.

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