Chapter Six- Cairo Prison

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Hey, I'm back with another chapter of my story. I hope you guys enjoy it and tell me what you think.

Still, Kiya's POV and will be for most of it.


Cairo Prison-

We stepped into the prison as the warden called, "Come, come step over the threshold. Welcome to Cairo Prison, my humble home."

Evy exclaimed to Johnathan as we were led to the cells, "You told us that you got it on a dig down in Thebes."

Johnathan said slightly less eager now, "Well, I was mistaken"

I cried out lifting my skirts away from the dust, "You lied!"

Johnathan said informing us, "I lie to everybody what makes you two so special?"

Evy said crossly, "We are your sisters!"

Johnathan said back snidely, "That just makes you more gullible."

Evy pointed out as we came closer to the cells, "You stole it from a drunk at the local cahbah."

Johnathan said quietly so no one overheard, "Picked his pocket, actually. So I don't think it's a very good..."

He tried to turn us around but I pulled him back and said sternly, "Stop being so ridiculous. We have to talk to him."

We were stopped in front of a cell by the warden and Evy asked, "Now what exactly is this man in prison for?"

The warden replied as we waited, "This I do not know. But when I heard that you were coming, I asked him that myself."

I asked curiously, "And what did he say?"

The warden said giving not a clear answer, "He said he was just looking for a good time."

Suddenly two guards came into the cell wrestling a young man with long unkempt hair, and then made him kneel at the front of the cell. I flinched at the brute force as Evy appeared utterly surprised asking, "This is the man that you stole it from?"

Johnathan answered quietly, "Yes, exactly so why don't we just go sniff out a spot of tiffin..."

Abruptly the man demanded, "Who are you? And who are the broads?"

I was shocked, and Evy and I exclaimed at the same time, "Broads?"

Johnathan then said, "I-I'm just a local sort of missionary chap, spreading the good word. But this is my sister Evy and my other sister Kiya."

He indicated to me and Evy but pushed her towards the man as if the sight of her made things better. Evy said politely, "How do you do?"

The man said rudely, "Oh, well. Guess she's not a total loss."

Evy looked shocked and exclaimed looking wounded, "I beg your pardon!"

I snarled at him aggressively, "Back off!"

The man rolled his eyes at me while I scowled at him. The warden then said, "I'll be back in a moment."

He hurried off to a problem somewhere across the other side of the yard. Johnathan whispered to Evy remind her why we were here, "Ask him about the box."

And she said to the man, "Um, we have found... Uh, hello. Excuse me. We found your puzzle box and we've come to ask you about it."

The man said bluntly, "No."

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