Chapter Three- Feelings arise

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The next morning Kiya awoke to Ardeth's mother lightly shaking her telling her to get ready for breakfast and training. The woman was kind to her and showed her how to dress in her new warrior robes, which were a basic dark navy blue tunic with long sleeves and a scarf for her head. Kiya fastens the dagger Ardeth gave her to her waist belt and was finally finished. They set off to cook and eat breakfast together as they waited for the men to awake and arrive. Ardeth arrived and his mother handed him his meal.

He sat next to Kiya and asked her how her sleep was and she replied, "It was nice and I was very warm, thank you for asking."

They sat and talked about things they liked and about their families while they ate, he learned that she had one older brother who would take over her father when he died and that her brother taught her simple fighting. He talked about his mother, father and sister and his duty to stop Imhotep from arising.

When they were done he took her to the training area and started to teach her sword work and combat. He was surprised at how well she was and told her she was better than most of the boys his age and he was the best out of them all.

When they were resting in the shade and drinking water he asked her how old she was, and she replied back proudly, "I am 15 years' old, how old are you?"

He replied,  "I am 15 too."

He was greatly surprised by her age and skill but he knew she would need to know all there is to protect herself from danger in the desert and the creature.

As the months wore on she started to get better and better and was nearly as good as him and almost equal but she knew she would never be as good as him. In her spare time, Ardeth's mother taught her more about been a wife and a mother, so that one day when her time came she would do as her husband bids and care for her family. Kiya and Ardeth started to spend more time together alone and got to know each other and they started to develop feelings towards each other, they would go riding in the desert together but never stray too far. Ardeth wished he could tell her how he felt and then one day he got the chance.

One day-

They had taken their horses further down the Nile River to escape the heat and Ardeth brought his dagger and scimitar with him just in case. Ardeth went to fetch some water from the Nile when he heard a gasp and he spun around quickly. There was a bandit hold a knife to Kiya's neck and Kiya looking more frightened than ever in her life.

The bandit said harshly, "Give me your money and anything valuable to you or she dies."

Ardeth was more worried about Kiya as beads of blood started to appear on her neck. Ardeth motioned to the bag behind the bandit, so the bandit turned around and tried to grab the bag. Ardeth quickly grabbed his dagger from his belt and threw it at the man's turned back, and it sank into his back killing him. As the man collapsed he dragged Kiya down with him, and Ardeth ran to her and pulled the man off her.

The cut wasn't deep but she would live he thought, he then gathered her in his arms and hugged her saying over and over again, "Are you all right?"

She nodded her head weakly surprised that he was hugging her, but then she felt the need to hold him back. She melted into his arms and chest taking in his musky smell that was so familiar to her.

He felt her hugging him back and realised what he just did but kept on holding her, and took in her smell of spicy perfume mixed with the fragrance of a wild desert flower that was custom made just for her so no one else smelt like her.

Then he said quietly,  "My desert flower, I couldn't stand the thought of losing you."

"Neither can I to you, my desert warrior", Kiya replied choosing to stare into his eyes at that moment.

He looked shocked for a moment and then it turned to relief at the realisation that she also had feelings for him too. 

They sat there hugging until the sun started to sink lower in the sky, then they pulled apart he spoke first saying, "I have loved you since the moment our eyes met, Kiya."

She replied, "I have loved and thought about you since I looked into your eyes the first day we met."

They both stood up with Ardeth supporting Kiya, he went and gathered their belongings and packed them on the horse while Kiya cleaned and dressed her wound that was minor.

Before they mounted the horses Ardeth pulls Kiya to him and stroked her cheek affectionately while she wrapped her arms around his neck, and then he whispered in her ear, "I love you, my desert flower."

To which she replied, "I love you too, my desert warrior."

And then he kissed her softly but passionately and she kissed him back, then they mounted their horses and returned to camp.


Please tell me if you liked it and if you want more chapters.

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