Chapter Two- The Princess

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When the day finally arrived Ardeth waited at the village's entrance with his father, ready to greet the princess. In the distance, he saw a few horses with riders on them but they were too far away to see which one was the Princess. When they came closer he saw that the figure in the middle was a young woman whose face was covered to protect her face from the sand. He knew that it was the Princess, as she was the only woman. 

When the horses finally drew alongside them Ardeth's father bowed his head respectfully. He addressed the woman, "Welcome, Princess Kiya. It is an honour to have you in our village."

The woman replied back bowing her head back, "The honour is mine, Chief Bay."

Ardeth's father helped her down and told her horsemen to follow him while Ardeth escorted Kiya to the Elders tent. For a moment Ardeth didn't know what to say or do, he was nervous about meeting the princess.  But he gathered his courage, "I'm Ardeth Bay, son of Chieftain Bay."

Kiya pulled down her veil greeting him with a bright friendly smile, "Nice to meet to, Ardeth. I'm Princess Kiya, but please just call me Kiya."

Ardeth was taken aback at how beautiful she was, but mainly how kind she looked. He saw her long wavy ebony hair lifted in the breeze, but her eyes were the thing that got him the most. They were a deep blue colour and when you stared into them you felt like you were swimming in the Nile, but the strangest thing about them was that they had a golden ring around the iris that gave off an enchantress appearance. 

Kiya was also surprised at how handsome he was, she had imagined a tough mean person. He was nicely built and wore his dark hair long at shoulder length. His eyes were an earthy brown that made her feel safe and warm with him, feeling as if she could trust him.

Ardeth shook himself out of his trance, suddenly remembering that they had to go to the elder's tent, and he motioned for her to follow him. She walked beside him while they walked and when they reached the tent he held back the flap for her and then followed her in. The elders greeted her warmly and spoke of her training to be done, but the thing that excited her the most was that Ardeth would be helping train her. She smiled warmly at him when the elders said this, at least she knew her trainer.

Once they had discussed this they both left the tent and he took her to her new tent that she would be staying in. As they entered she gasped at how beautiful it was and how many different clothes the women had put in chests. Ardeth let her gap over her surroundings for it was one of the most splendid tents other than his families. 

He soon remembered the chests he had put in her tent. He grabbed her warm hand in his softly and led her over to the two chests he had packed, she felt surprised from the action, but quickly composed herself for she realised that he wished to show her something. But in the back of her mind, she felt a fluttering.

He opened up the chest of Medjai robes and said indicating to the contents, "Since you will be training to be a Medjai warrior you must wear these when training. And eventually when we do what is expected of us to do."

She replied nodding staring at the fabrics, "Yes, I cannot wear woman's clothing while doing things a warrior is supposed to do."

He nodded in agreement opening the chest next to it and showed her the weapons and scimitars. She stared at them in wonder, not used to the sight. She tenderly touched the cool metal of one exclaiming, "I'm sure I have enough weapons to protect myself."

The words struck him and he pulled out the dagger from his belt that he made and asked her, "Do you know how to use a dagger?"

She replied, "Yes, father taught me as a child."

Ardeth cleared his throat before saying seriously, "There are times when I cannot protect you. So I wish you to keep this with you at all times, even at night next to your bed. It is in case someone tries to attack you."

Kiya looked bewildered when he said that but she understood the danger of being a prophecy. She took the dagger from him gently and ran her fingers over the hilt, it had ancient symbols all over it and it had lapis lazuli in the patterns and the blade was strong and sharp. She fastened it to her belt and then looked up towards Ardeth and into his eyes.

He was already staring at her enchanted by her sudden acceptance of threat. He said trying to break the tension in his own mind, "I am in the tent next to you if you need anything. I will come. But for now we must go to bed, it is late. My mother will wake you in the morning and help you get ready." 

He held her knuckles and raised them to his lips and brushed his lips against them softly, and then left in a swirl of dark fabric leaving her there to be alone.

At first, she thought it a friendly gesture but she thought it was something more the way his eyes bore into hers and had a look of caring in them. 

She quickly dressed in sleepwear and ate some of the food left out for her, and washed with water in a basin. Kiya grabbed the dagger Ardeth gave her and hopped into bed. She ran her fingers over the dagger once more and thought of the handsome Ardeth and the prophecy, she knew that their fates intertwined together. The gods even whispered of a future that held more. But that is only if they choose that path. 

At that moment she knew she was attracted to him, but she tried to push those feelings from her mind. She had to concentrate on her destiny first. 

But little did she know he too was thinking the same thing as he lay in bed thinking about her. Finally, they both fell asleep and dreamed of their duties to their people, to their gods. But also of each other.


Please tell me what you think and if you want more chapters or idea's I'm open to them.

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