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4 years ago
Dallas Texas

Mom was outside, smoking another blunt.
My older sister Gabriella was in her bedroom with her boyfriend, she was all kinds of fucked up, she lost her virginity at 13. All she does is smoke weed all day. I know I'm only 13 but I know a lot of what goes around in this house. I don't mind my mom and dad. They fight too much, I'm pretty sure they are getting a divorce. Who knows. My little sister Nina, she's only 10.My dad beats her and doesn't even pay attention to her. My youngest sister Leslie got left at the grocery store the other day, I have two younger brothers Rafael and Roberto.
They are 10 & 7. They usually go and play outside, bc we are pretty low on payments right now I have a twin brother named Carlos and well I spend most of my time with him because he's my twin and the most normal one.

Gabriellas pov- I opened my window and see Jose the teenage hottie who, nows the lawn. He's so fine, he's like 26. He's my weed dealer , he comes in and we smoke weed oops. my door opens and it's my mom. She's high or drunk I couldn't tell.
She winked at him and laughed. "Ohhhhh yoir gonna have sex now aren't you." She laughed some more. I looked at him he gives me a face he wants to leave I can tell.
" mom get the fuvk out!" I yell and slam my door. I'm suppose to be the one who runs things and handles all my siblings but I can't even drive yet, we can't afford a nice car. We have 2 cars one that out aunt let us borrow and my dads old beat up truck he got for $100 at an auction.
Luna's pov- dad gives me keys, I usually drive because our family is fucked. "Go to the store and buy some food or something here's a 20." I nod and grab Carlos to come with me. He's my favorite and me and him don't do drugs and we are pretty good kids. But i might strart i hope I don't turn out fuvked up and gang like my family.
"Yo, we gotta get iutta this hosue" Carlos looks at me straight.
"What you mean?" I ask
"Like we need to run away." He said
"Fuck Leslie then right ? Fuvk Nina? Fuck our brother, shit they need a future too." I say, because our siblings so little.
"Nah,I have a. Plan. But mom and dad probably gonna go to jail. " he was sounding like he was getting some where.
"Shit but that's my mom bro, my dad..." I feel bad but I kinda agree even though it fuvked up. Our house is so unsafe our dad steals shit and he has A gang too and they came in here shooting one day and shit was scary.
The police came but they didn't look for drugs...NITHING.
"Yeah sis I got you. I love you. Yoir my fucking sister and I want us to have a good future. And I think I know what we gotta do." So that night was the last night we ever say my family.
we went to the store and bought shit for like food and blankets from the dollar tree and we came back at like 12am. No one came looking for us we left at 3pm. Mom not Dad when we came home to get a few things they were outside on the patio drinking beer and laughing.
Mom didn't even have a job she was working at a hair salon but she quit because she wanted to take care of us but she doesn't really even talk to us. They never feed Leslie I do, or my brother Carlos does. They drop her with my aunt well my aunt comes and takes her. I wanna live with her but I think it's best we stay away from anyone. My dad works at target and sometimes mows people's lawns, but after that he kinda just steaks shit and sells it.
Our brothers Rafael and Roberto and Nina go to a public school. But my mom tells me Gabriel, and Carlos to do school at library because they don't have time to drive us to middle school and pay for all the books, and other siblings elementary school they walk to. Our middle school is too far. So we have to walk to the library at the elementary school and do stuff online but we never have the chance because we have to run the hosue and clean it. But I want to go to real school. I have gone like for elementary but in 4th grade I started to work at the hosue and I use to live with my aunt in like 3rd
It's 1:30 am, we woke up Leslie because I decided to take her with me. She starts to cry "shut up, Leslie okay? We're gonna get out of this crack hiuse." I hold her in my arms wrapped In a big red hoodie it's my dad's. I look in everyone's room and cry a little. Leslie softly crys it's muffled mom and dad are still outside getting high but knowing what her kids are going for

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