Chapter 35

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Aubrey's Pov

I wake up to Jared stroking my hair. My hair has always looked good when I wake up. It's strange.

"Hey." I said smiling at Jared. "Hey." I said quietly. Saturday. "I have to go home today." I told Jared. "How come?" Jared asked.

His gray eyes stared into mine.

He put a hand on my cheek and it warmed up. Oh I wasn't blushing he was just touching me. I shrugged it off though.

"You know you can tell me anything whenever your ready right?" He asked. I nodded smiling a bit and he kissed my nose. So understanding.
So it was the funeral today for them. I had gotten home and I knew this was going to happen.

"Come on baby cheer up." Audrey whispered quietly. I nodded but just continued walking.

Jake kissed Audrey's forehead as we got in the car to go.
We got there and I saw Mom. Mom and I don't talk. "Um hi Mom." I said quietly. Mom smiled and kissed my forehead.

"Hey baby." She said. She smiled down at me. "Oh come on baby there in a better place." Mom said quietly. "I don't even know them." I said quietly.

"It's ok. Come on." Teddy bear said smiling.

"You're still wearing that stupid smile right teddy bear?" I asked.

"Only for you." Jake replied smiling.
Audrey's Pov

After the funeral Aubrey fell asleep and I decided to go home.

"Are you ok?" Jake asked. "Yeah Jake relax. I appreciate it." I answered quietly. He pecked my lips.

"Sleep tiger." Jake said.

"Jake I'm fine. I should-"

"I'm telling you." Jake said and I sighed. I pecked his lips.

"Tiger I'm driving." He said. "Yeah but you could lean all the way over and kiss my forehead." I said. "Yeah but there are some effects kissed can give a man too." Jake said and I laughed before. closing my eyes to sleep.
Christina's Pov(let's be real I didn't remember her and Ryder until I was looking through my chapters. Let's go.)

"Hey I got pizza." Ryder walked into the room shirtless.

I gasped.

I flailed my arms silently ranting in sign language. "Oh I know you like it princess." He said walking closer to me. He kissed my forehead.

"What are you horny teenagers doing?" His Dad asked. I pushed Ryder and put my hands behind my back turning around.

The back of my shirt said innocence.

Ryder's Mom and Dad laughed making turn around.

I was ready for this day. Ryder is that type of guy that'd walk around shirtless just for my eyes. I'm ok with that. But when his parents get home. I'm innocent.

"Christina come on try talking." Ryder's Dad encouraged.

I shook my head.

"Come on." Ryder said.

"If your horny ass gets me in trouble I'm going to tie you down dissect you like a frog chew your organs spit it out and bury them. Don't get me in trouble." I said. Ryder laughed. "You were horny too." I said.

"Yeah but if your parents walk in the house we should have the same idea. You see why I wore a shirt that said innocence. That's all he shirts I have in this house and it's because you're my boyfriend." I snapped smiling.

"Aww. Love you too." Ryder said before grabbing a slice. He put it on my plate but pecked my lips.


"God damn it. Ok blood! There's like a set schedule! And you weren't due for two more days! This is why I'm mute! Because of you! Gosh! You're like that thing that goes at the end of most sentences! Idiot!" I ranted.

Ryder just stared at me before laughing. "I gotta go." I said glaring at Ryder.

"You're horny self scared my period. It was scared so it had to stay with me. She thought you were a rapist." I said and Ryder just laughed.

"Baby I'll get you one. It's only fair since I scared it. Sorry." He whispered to my region before pecking my forehead.

He ran upstairs.

"That seaweed brain! I mean gosh! My dot is sensitive. You can't just be that horny." I said.

Ryder's Dad chuckled.

He found one and came running down the stairs and I grabbed it. "Thanks." I said. "Wait." Ryder said. I rolled my eyes before he pecked my lips.

"Carry on." He said smiling.

"I'd make a stupid threat but I have butterflies. For the next three days. Might as well just be my other period." I said as I went to the bathroom.
I'm so sad but I'm so happy. First off I remembered to leave a note for the few people that are reading this. And that things are going well for Ryder and Christina. And that I remembered them. Lol.😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

But I'm sad that Jake Audrey and Aubrey had to go to a funeral. And don't you think Jared and Aubrey are so cute? I'm making a sequel for them. And a sequel for the squad that started this whole thing man! Alexa Audrey Jayden and Jake!

Two different books about two totally different things. Honestly I don't know when this book will end. But if it does in still writing two more books! Be happy!

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