December Does Not Sleep

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[ note: this poem is also in my 30 day writing challenge, on my secondary account ]

It's the lakes of ice

That gleam

Bluer than any skies I've seen

It's of that water

Beneath the summer sunshine beam:

The snow is far fairer

than when placidly the cold streamed,

The brook

And it's frozen architecture makes,

And under many bridges

White, it's swift way that it takes.

Snow comes, snow goes

As a messenger who still dreams

That it might linger along the road;

Or one who may deem

The message, somehow hostile

And yet, it screams,

Gently for their sakes

Those who listened

Might somehow reveal it

Degree by degree.

We winter loves

Gird against the cold of the december wind

Our loins,

That are now with fearsome bands of sleep,

In the longest, darkest nights

We take rest with ease,

And with each and every shortening day,

As these shadows, upon us, creep

O'er the brief midnight tide,

Fresh surprises, we will all find.

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