This Pretty Place Isn't So Perfect

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This Pretty Place Isn't So Perfect

Astray went the runaway

You can call me that

Because I'm going to find an escape

And get away from this ugly place

The only things that come true

Are the ones I'm so scared to see

The ones that I've already felt

The experiences

The horror

The painful realization

That this world isn't a happy place

The beautiful outdoors

Change to horrific things

The life I see, in everyone's eyes

Is shatter in the night

When his powerful touch

Steals more innocence

Blinds a young girl's eyes 

He shattered my world

Tore my heart to pieces

He touched me without permission

And now, his soul belongs to Hell

Is it possible

For such a beautiful world

To have a lie hiding the reality of it

This life was not meant to be stolen

This innocence was a sheild

A cover to be unveiled

Something we're taught to protect

Something we're taught is sacred

Something to keep until we're safe

In someone's arms

Someone we trust

Someone that won't shatter our hearts

But the sickos in the night

Take everything they can get

They break you into pieces

They smash you on the ground

They think what they're doing

Is okay and is right

But that's were they're wrong

So, here, I sit and write

I explain these things

To those people who can't understand

The ones that think this world is so beautiful

Just enjoy it while you can 

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