A storm is coming

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It was still early morning. The meeting was gonna be in 16 hours. House was quiet, but you could still feel the anticipation in the air, everyone in their own zone, getting prepared. Having gotten the news of whats gonna happen tonight. The chance this will be a trap is pretty high. Smith was in the Command room poring over maps of New York , I walk in and join him at the table.

A stern expression on his face, bags forming under his eyes, looking slightly worn down. He was a good leader, working tirelessly on every mission. I respected his resolve.

I finish filling him in on what i got from the girl. He looks down onto the table, his hand slowly running down his face as hes deep in thought.

"They really fucked them over, we can definitely use this." He mumbles as if talking to himself. He takes a deep breath and looks back up at me. "I was mostly counting on getting intelligence from them but with this they might even agree to go on missions. Whats your read on her."

I cross my arms on my chest and think for a second before i answer. "Her emotions where genuine, as for how accurate her story was i really cant tell. But I think It could happen. Higher ups have no problem fucking their soldiers over if its convenient." I frowned deeply, that was a bitter tasting memory i haven't thought about in a wile. And then they put me in that fucking cell. Smiths words snapped me back to reality.

"Yeah , could just be some rebel movement that is trying to use us, we are gonna need to confirm the story somehow in the future, but right now lets focus on the meeting. I think you with the girl on the ground, the rest of us ready as support?"

"Alright, on the ground or have you found a roof."

"No we will all be close support on the ground, cant do much from a roof with so many people. And if we need to move fast I rather everyone be close so we can move as a unit. I don't want anyone alone unless its you. I know you can handle yourself."
He points to a location in Times Square.
"5 minutes before 22:00 you will go here with the girl and i will call them and let them know the location. Me and Sara will be here." He to another place.
"Lynch and Neil here.  Meeting point #1 is here." He points to a area maybe a 15 min walk from the square.
"Until 22:30. Meeting point #2 is here." He points to another place even further away.
"Until 23:00. Anyone not accounted for by then is on their own. Should they not show up at the house by 02:00 hours, then we will have packed up and left. Assuming we are compromised and need to move."

I nod in response and make a mental not of the meeting times and place. "Weapons?" its up to smith what we can bring.

"Pistols, I don't want a gun fight breaking out. NYPD will come down hard and fast. So only bring what you can easily conceal and just as fast dump if you need to."

Big sharp knife it is. And my trusted M1911.

"So only 1 or 2 grenades is what you are saying." I had a big shit eating grin on my face.

Smith just looked back down to the map."Get the fuck out of here and let the others know." He chuckled and shook his head.

I walk out the room and head upstairs. Everyone still in their positions, not letting our guard down just yet. I walk around letting them know. Before walking into the kitchen letting Niel go have some rest.
The sun was up, clouds dotted onto the blue sky, still a faint shade of deep red could be seen reflecting on them. The sun having just risen. 
I could hear the birds chirping on the other side of the window.

I walked out of the kitchen. It was to bright now to be able to stand in the back and not be seen. Some one passing by might react to a guy standing there with a big assault weapon in his hands.
I grabbed one of our laptops and walked into the living room where Sara was.
I pulled the feed of the front facing camera up onto the screen, it could see what was going on in front of the house and should give us time to react should some one come knocking. The room was simply decorated. Brown walls with a Tv, some paintings of a mountain or two. Two couches in a L formation towards the TV, and a small coffee table in front of them. The wall opposite the Tv lined with bookshelf's, filled to the brim with books.
Sara was leaning against the corner next to where the Tv was mounted. She looked over as i entered.
I put the computer down on the couch backrest, giving me a good view as i leaned against the door frame.

And now we wait. My stomach rumbled... Oh come on I'm hungry?!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2017 ⏰

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