The task force

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 We made our way inside the house, no lamps was lit, a calm darkness the sounds of a old house creeping through the air as it moaned and complained. Sara led the way down to the cellar.

The cellar was just one big room, gray concrete walls and floors, no windows up to the ground. Not that you could see the walls, every inch was covered with crates, photographs and paper. This was our Base of Operations for the moment, so every inch was filled with maps and equipment.

Except for me and Sara there were 3 more people in this squad, but right now only one more was in the room, the other two sleeping upstairs. Smith, a fake name like the rest of us, he was standing in the middle of the room, looking at something on the big wooden table which was filled with reports and profiles. He was the CO, or commanding officer as you call it, the reason he was still up was so I could brief him on how the mission had went. He looked up as we entered the room.

"No need for you to be up Sara, Ill talk to Patrick and brief the rest of you on what happened in the morning. Go get some shut eye." Calm but composed as he always was. Only around 25 but still a brilliant leader. He had a long straight face with sharp features, small lips, pointy chin. Brown hair kept short, army style. He was a professional down to the bone, always doing things by the book.

"Id rather stay now that I'm up if that's okay with you sir."

"You may stay. Alright Patrick I'm listening." Looking from Sara to me, both hands on the table.

"I stayed at the hotel in the grand suite for one night under the name, Lynch. I was a private contractor, specializing in security and information. I was to attend the event that was to happened in the Bar tonight as we had information that a handyman in the organization was there. I was not to take action, only observe as we where hoping he could lead us to more members or one of their safe houses. But this evening around 8:00 hours, a mutation attacked me in my room. I killed him and made my way out of the hotel and came here. It couldn't have been the handy man, he was inexperienced, no training, it was a easy kill. My guess is that he was just looking to feed and was unlucky in the choice of room, maybe part of his entourage."

"Good job getting out of there without any trouble, but I'm not happy with this, we are back at square one, and they will be even more alert now. Any evidence that could stick to you left on the scene."

"Only the bullet I shot him with, I picked up the chasing. Might be prints on the elevator doors on floor 24 and -1 as that's how I got out.'

"Alright ill look into that and make sure any official evidence tied to you disappears. Some new Intel came in today but we will get to that in the morning. Go get some sleep, be here in 4 hours." With that he walked out the room and made his way up the stairs. The whole house seemed to creak and complain as he got to his room, he was a big guy, around 200 pounds of muscle, 6.3 feet tall.

"Talk to you in the morning, Patrick. Get some sleep, don't think I haven't noticed how little you sleep." She lingered in the doorway as if to say something, but she eventually made her way up as well.

I stayed, walked over to the table and started cleaning my gun. You always sort your gear out first, then you sleep.

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