2 Years ago

390 10 9

2 Years ago

I didn't even know this part of the prison existed, we must be deep underground now.

The elevator came to a stop and I made my way out. This floor didn't seem to have a number, the guard had just typed some sort of combination on the panel and we ended up here.

The four guards followed, as we started making our way down the concrete hallway, a sterile white light revealing the way. It was a completely square hallway, smooth walls and floor with just one door at the far end. Lit by a single lamp, right above the door.

Why in the world would they need to put him in there, he was a crazy son of a bitch, ill give him that. But 50 feet below ground, a solid steel door, with what looked like reinforced concrete. Some high ups must really hate this guy. Well its my job to try and use this him, hes supposedly the best at what he does. They still haven't briefed me on exactly what that is yet, pulling the above your pay grade bullshit.

One of the guards walked over to the hand print panel and eye scanner. He planted his hand on the panel and looked into the scanner.

The door swung open, solid steel, like a vault to a bank, with huge dents on the inside of it, almost looked like a fist had mad them. A man sitting against the far wall of the small cell. Square room, grey reinforced concrete. Nothing inside except a toilet, not even a bed. He was looking straight at us, slowly standing up , making the guards back away. He was about 5.9, his grey worn out prison clothes loosely falling down his shoulders and legs not really showing to much. His face was covered with a long light brown shaggy beard, and hair down to his shoulders. But he had kind green eyes that was looking straight at me.

"So whats the deal. There is only one reason someone would even consider opening that door, and that is if I'm needed for something." calm, smooth, stone face.

"I'm afraid that that's above my pay grade, so just follow me please. Oh and no need for handcuffs gentlemen." I started making my way back to the elevator and I heard the rest of them starting to follow. I didn't need to look back to know that the guards kept their distance, they clearly did not like this guy.

I turned as I got to the elevator "What exactly is it you do Mr.." As I turned all the way around, I saw all the guards where on the floor not moving and he was right next to me. I started reaching for my gun but he just walked right past me, not even bothering to look at me. I didn't even hear him take out the guards. He stood inside the elevator looking at me.

"I'm afraid that's above your pay grade. I thought we needed to be somewhere, you wanna get into the elevator please." Same voice, same face.

I looked at the guards, they where all still breathing, I holstered my gun again as I walked into the elevator and hit the button to the first floor. Its not my job to look after them, ill get someone to go check later.

Its was a spacey elevator, we both just stood there looking straight ahead. "You have a name?" He turned his head as I spoke to him, looking away as our eyes met.

"Call me Patrick." A small smile spread across his face.

"Nice to meet you Patrick, I'm Sara"

The elevator came to a stop, and we both walked out. I'm supposed to work with this guy, they better give me a nice Christmas bonus.

An Honest RedemptionTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang