Chapter 1: Coincidental Meeting

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Draco exhaled, letting out a white cloud escape from his mouth and evaporate in front of him. His hands were folded over together on top of a railing. Draco observed the rural area of London surround him. The fourth year students boarded the Hogwarts Express and made their way to Hogwarts. Draco, tired of Pansy's flirtatious behaviour, decided to take some fresh air in the caboose of the train. Inside, he could hear the trolley lady ask the first booth for a snack. He thought for a little bit. Something he doesn't usually do. He thought about Harry, Ron and Hermione. And to be honest, he never knew why he hated them so much. Was it the attention? From that bloody scar? Was it his heroic friend? Or the brunette mudblood... He didn't quite know. That was until he heard a click and a slide behind him. He knew the door had opened.

"Malfoy? What brings you out here?" a voice piped up from behind him. Draco turned to face the brunette. The smarter one out of the three.

"Reasons that don't inquire you." he said coldly. Hermione whistled.

"Well, you don't have to be so bitter about it." she said, going back inside. She was about to close the sliding door when someone retorted.

"No, sorry. I... I just have alot of things on my mind. You can stay if you were planning too." he said casually. Hermione cocked her head to the side, confused. He turned around and made eye contact with her.

"I was just about to leave anyway..." he finished his sentence and slid past Hermione. She graciously let him go and watched him leave.

When he past the first booth, Hermione walked out and slid the door close. Hearing the click behind him, he stopped and turned to look at her for a moment. A moment that was broken by another voice.

"Draco! There you are!" a high pitched voice squeaked behind him. Groaning in annoyance, he turned to face his fellow Slytherin classmate.

Pansy Parkinson wasn't the brightest person ever. Though She had some pretty amazing stories, she's gossip central and will talk bad about anyone. During the third year, She started showing an interest with Malfoy and at first, he thought it was just a fling. Now, he kind of regrets playing along with her. She grabbed his arm and began to drag him with her.

"Come on! Everyone's waiting for you." She said as they hurried to the eighth booth.

* * * * *

Hermione flipped a page in her book as the cold wind brushed against her face. She looked out on the scenery of the lake and knew they were nearing Hogwarts. Though She felt quite relaxed out here, She was puzzled. What was Draco Malfoy doing out here by himself? And why hadn't he made a remark of her blood line? But Draco was a mysterious guy and she did not want to get involved with him. She looked back down at her book and rubbed her hands. Wishing for some gloves, She reached inside her coat pocket when she heard a high pitched girls voice, coming from inside the train.

"There you are!" she heard. Hermione didn't have to think twice on who it was.

Pansy Parkinson. She turned around to see her holding onto Draco's arm. She noticed his blonde hair that he flipped to the side. She scoffed and rolled her eyes as Pansy began to drag him away. The rest of her words were muffled through the glass. Hermione grabbed a pair of purple hand knitted gloves from her coat pocket that she received last year from Mrs. Weasley. That woman sure likes to knit. Placing them on her hands, She returned to her book, only to be disturbed once again by the sound of the sliding door behind her.

"Hermione! There you are!"

"We Were looking everywhere for you!"

Hermione has heard of those two voice and were quite fond of them. She closed her book and turned to face her friends.

"I've been here the whole time, no need to worry" she said nonchalantly as she slides past them into the warmth of the hallway. Ron and Harry walked in behind her.

"We were looking for you when we saw Draco and Pansy out here." Harry said as though he was consuming something bitter.

"Yeah, can't stand those two." Ron added. Hermione rolled her eyes.

"Did he come out there? Did he bother you?" Harry said protectively. Hermione smiled. They were goofballs but they cared about her a lot.

"No, besides, it was more like I bothered him than he did to me." she assured him but Harry wasn't convinced.

"Doesn't sound like you to talk to Malfoy willingly" Harry narrows his eyes. Ron looks at Hermione and Hermione groans in defeat.

"I just walked out there to read and he was there. Nothing special, okay guys? Lets just grab our things and leave." Hermione walked away in a sort of angry tone. Harry and Ron look at each other and shrug.

And that was the first time in their fourth year that they made contact with each other.

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