Chapter 4: Not Giving In...

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Four hours passed and the King and his soldiers were still outside the Inn. Kaden wasn't going back to his palace without his Mate...rejected or not she was still his to claim.

"My King. Do you have a plan?" Ash asked now standing next to him. Like the other soldiers, he had been waiting patiently for Kaden to execute his next plan of action.

"Do you think that if I had one, I would be out here staring at the f'ing Inn without my Mate?" gritting through his sharp canines.

Ever since their Mate had rejected them Blaze had taken over. He has been thinking of a way to get inside to retract his Queen without harm, but the way he was seething, he didn't find it possible.

"My apologies my King." bowing his head down.

"General!" shouting for him.

"Yes my King?" standing with his head bowed down.

"Tell your men to stand down and go back to the castle to get rest. Then send ten more in their place. I want twenty four hour surveillance around the Inn. No one goes in and out of this place without me knowing about it. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes my King." bowing his head down once again in respect he turned on his heels shouting. "Soldiers! Move out!"

Blaze glared at the Inn feeling Catalina looking at him. "I can feel you staring at me Catalina. I'm going to give you one last chance to come out without any consequences. You have thirty seconds to decide."

Catalina was behind the curtain listening to him. She hadn't made a sound knowing that he could hear and sense her every move.

Not wanting to speak to him, she remained silent, praying that he would leave.

The King stood still waiting for her to say anything or even come out. After thirty seconds without an answer he began to breathe hard as he tried to remain in control. Because if he didn't, Blaze would do something he will regret later on.

"You can't stay in there forever Mate. You and the old lady will eventually run out of supplies and will need to come out."

With still no response from her, he let out a menacing growl causing her to jump from where she stood.

"Have it your way Catalina. I will leave for now. But know this my defiant Queen...I will be back and you will pay dearly for your rejection and defiance. That I will promise you." turning on his heel, he decided to turn into his massive wolf and run back to his castle. He needed to run and think of his next move to get her out of the Inn and back to their palace.


"How are you holding up dear?" Mrs. Wood asked walking towards Catalina with a tray of food.

"I'd be lying if I say I was fine, but I'm not. I am scared. I know if I escape he will take me back to the palace and punish me. I may have only met him yesterday, but I already know the temper and anger he has in him." putting her hand on her neck she thought back of his large hands wrapping around her neck once she had told him she was engaged to another man.

" I understand dear. Here, why don't you just eat something hot and then go take a nice bubble bath and head to bed afterwards. You need rest and all of your strength to escape him." handing her the tray of food, she smiled at her then turned around to head back to the kitchen.

"Thank you." taking the tray of mashed potatoes, steak and a roll with a glass of water on the side. She was hungry and the dish looked delicious.

After eating, Catalina went to her room. Taking Mrs. Wood's advice, she turned on the water to take a nice relaxing bubble bath. After filling it, she took her clothes off and stepped in. The hot water actually soothed her joints relaxing her whole body. Laying her head back she closed her eyes and dosed off.

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