Chapter 3: Rejecting the Alpha King...

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King Kaden arrived in front of the Wolfscastle Country Inn thirty minutes later which was located at the end of town. Once there he got out of the SUV with Ash right behind him.

Surveying the area he sees his guards in their wolf form surrounding the Inn, making sure his Mate and Queen wouldn't leave.

Walking over to him his General walked up to them. "My King..." bowing his head.

"Have you seen her since you got here or has there been any movement inside?" Kaden asked glancing over to him.

"No. But we do know she is inside with the Inn keeper." he responded.

Humming, Kaden looked towards the Inn again. "Stay in your positions until I tell you otherwise."

"Yes my King." nodding his head he stepped aside.

"So, what is your plan?" Ash asked curiously.

Kaden didn't respond for a few seconds then says. "The only plan I have in mind is to go inside and take her back."

"Hmm...sounds like a plan." Ash nodded in agreement. "What if she resists?"

"Then she will be leaving by force..." he responded squaring his shoulders.

"Of course...great plan." Ash tells him sarcastically as he rolled his eyes at him.

"I know you don't agree."

"I don't...but you are the King and she your must do what you must."

"I do...she knows she is mine and she chose to run." he gritted at the thought of finding out that she had taken off in the early morning without his knowledge.

"Because she is human...and afraid Kaden. You pretty much kidnapped her, brought her to the castle and told her she will be Queen...I doubt she found it intriguing with the way you told her."

"...are you saying you would have done it differently?" turning his head to face Ash.

"Yes. I would have been nicer and less demanding. Maybe spoken to her instead of barking orders at her. Showed her you want her there rather than telling her she had no choice because she was yours."

"She is MINE! My Mate, my Queen...MINE!" he gritted and there Ash knew it was Blaze in control.

Bowing his head Ash didn't say another word.

"I will go inside and take her back where she my side." and with those last words, the King stalked over to the Inn to take back his Mate...then punish her for running away from him.

                                         *Ash Stone, Kaden's Beta played by Matheus Verdelho*

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                                         *Ash Stone, Kaden's Beta played by Matheus Verdelho*


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