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I hate lying
Its a scheme
A form of tricky
To deceive one's mind into
Believing a false reality

My head is full of them
Impossible to count
Impossible to recall them all

If I could
I'd try to separate the truth
By now,
It's blurred together

Have you ever told the truth
With a small thought in the back
of your head
Saying "It's not the truth at all."

Have you ever trusted someone
With all your heart
And fallen for their cleverness?
How many times have you been lied to
By the ones you love most

How many times
Have you lied
And how much of my
reality is false

How many things do I think
Are true, just because
I asked you?
Are they possible to count?
How large in number must
They be?

The truth is blurred together
Fused to the lies,
And I live a false reality.

This is probably my wrost, it's crappy as hell, like most of my other ones, but it weighed heavy on my mind.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2016 ⏰

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