25. Erruers

Depuis le début

"Whatever." Soraya rolled her eyes pointedly, before turning on her heel to return to comforting her brother.

"Fuck." I sighed, leaning back against the wall, this whole situation was so fucked up.

I stayed silently in the hallway for a few minutes, nursing my growing headache, before I was interrupted by shouting coming from the waiting area.

"What the hell did you do?!" Alistair's voice shouted and immediately I was pushing off the wall towards the sound.

When I rounded the corner I saw Alistair gripping harshly onto the front of the jumper Zeke was wearing, his fingers crumpling the fabric. Soraya was shouting something trying to get Alistair to let go, but Alice wasn't paying attention as he continued to shout at Zeke, not giving him any time to reply as he forcefully pushed him against the wall.

"Alistair!" I shouted, rushing over, "What the hell is going on?!"

"He did something to Xav and now hes in the hospital!" Alice snapped back, his glare never leaving Zeke's face, and grip never wavering. He was pissed off, but I could read the fear off of him like a caged animal. He was terrified for Xavier and he didn't know how to process what he was feeling. He'd grown up using his aggression to vent his feelings and I doubted that he even knew how to react.

"Alice, calm down man, Zeke didn't do anything." I attempted to reassure, placing a hand on his shoulder. He flinched, but didn't shrug me off and I took that as a signal, moving between the pair and pushing him back a step. "Zeke was the one who probably saved his life."

"Then why the hell is he still in the hospital?!" Alistair continued to glare over my shoulder.

"Alice back off." Soraya pulled harshly on his arm again

"You haven't known him as long as we have!" Alistair turned around and snapped, "This is none of your business!"

"Excuse me that my fucking brother you're assaulting there."

"Guys!" I tried, stepping forward, reaching out to stop them but Soraya was already connecting her fist with the side of Alice's face. The sound rippled through the now silent waiting room.

"Fook, that hurt like a bu-ch" Alice flinched, his hand reaching up to cup the side of his face, "The hell was that for?" he asked rounding on Soraya with an incredulous look.

"What the hell was that sentence?" Soraya countered, eye brows raised in what could have been annoyance or amusement I couldn't really tell. And then someone was clearing their throat in a professional way and it was only a little bit demeaning when we all turned around to see a doctor in an official looking white robe.

"Are you all the accompaniment of one.." He looked briefly at a clip board, "Xavier Ragnvalsson?" And to his merit he managed to get through that last name without a hitch, even if Maer tensed up like a prude at his lack accenting.

"Yes," Alice stated confidently, despite the fact that he was probably the one of us all that looked least likely to be related to Xavier. But then again he was also wearing pyjama pants and his baseball jersey so I doubted he really cared that much what the doctor thought of him.

He also was only wearing socks. Red Iron Man socks, with holes in the heel.

"Right," The doctor responded sceptically, eyes shifting across all of us, before landing on Maer as she stood regally from her position, smoothing her skirt across her knees before rising.

"I am his mother." Maer spoke directly to the doctor, eying us all in annoyance briefly, "Tell me about my sons condition."

"Well Mrs Ragnvalsson, your son has suffered multiple contusions from the fall," The doctor began, eyes shifting once again to the clip board in hand as he lifted the page to view the one underneath, "He's also sustained an acute fracture across his left zygomatic bone and the middle left portion of his mandible."

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