Chapter 1

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DISCLAIMER: The characters in this story do not belong to us besides for our OC's, Akio and Hideki. The credit belongs to the author of the story. And without further ado, please enjoy our fanfic!!!!

"Hide-kun, could you turn to the side a bit? No, not that much- chin up. Thank you, that's perfect." A young teenage boy named Akio directed in a focused tone, a camera cradled in his hands.

In front of him stood a girl in flowing soft pink, taffeta dress. Her hand was placed on her hip to emphasize her curves while the other kept her waist length brown hair from going into her face. Her face was painted with a bright smile, clashing with her caramel eyes which seemed to get dimmer by the second.

After a moment, the boy gave a sigh and pulled the camera away from his face to reveal unimpressed brown eyes, "Hideki, you look like you're dying inside."

"That's because I am dying inside with all this posing," the brunette gave an eye roll matched with a long suffering sigh, "I've been in this dress for hours, Aki-chan. I want food."

The two teenagers were at a quaint park known for it's beautiful scenery. Surrounded by the several trees billowing in the wind and various flowers decorating the grassy field, the two found it fitting to have the photoshoot here... Well, Akio did anyways. He had dragged his best friend out to the park under the excuse of it being a beautifully sunny day.

"It's not like you're not used to this despite being a boy." Akio mumbled with a sniff, "I wanted to see if the outfit works for a casual setting. I'm thinking the dress should be sleeveless. Those puffy cuffs aren't working out as I'd hoped. Hmm, maybe a little more lace? And a pleated skirt. Or should I go with prairie? Layered? Hmm..."

"Yeah yeah, you and your clothes- who cares?! You interrupted me when I was in the middle of finishing the last novel of the series I'm currently reading. I wanted to know what happened!! That's more important than crossdressing for your silly pictures!" Hideki, now identified as a crossdressing male, exclaimed loudly. Akio tuned out his friend's complaints, more intent on adjusting his camera to find the right angle for this particular shot.

"I'll buy you another book series if that's what it takes to make you look at least a little happy." Akio quietly muttered as he looked back towards the camera and his friend.

Hideki pouted. He couldn't turn down the offer. There was this new series that he absolutely had to get (ignoring the fact that he had more than enough money to buy it himself). Hideki eventually cheered up and smiled genuinely up at the camera.

"Now, that's a lot better. I knew that would cheer you up." Akio gave a small smile as he looked back into the camera, "Man, still can't get over the fact that you can perfectly pass off as a girl. Not that I'm complaining since I can make you model my design for both genders."

"Is that all I am to you? An androgynous model?" Hideki cried dramatically, "That hurts, man. I don't think I'll ever recover from the pain."

"Oh noo... Whatever shall I do?" Akio drawled sarcastically before grinning, "Up for some ice cream?"

Hideki immediately perked up, "Why bother asking? Let's go!"

"You wanna swing by my place and change before we go?" Akio asked, putting his camera into his bag. Reaching into a different pocket, Akio pulled out a pair of glasses and put it on. Hideki shrugged as he ran a hand down the dress to straighten it, "Nah, I'm good. By the way, your hair's coming loose again."

Akio let out a groan before reaching back to retie his shoulder length black hair into a low ponytail, "I swear I should just cut it off."

"Don't, I like it." Hideki grinned, looping his hand around Akio's arm and pulling them along towards the ice cream parlor. It wasn't long before the pair settled down at a table, ice creams in hand.

Hideki happily ate his ice cream, pausing for a moment to start as conversation, "Ready for a new year at a new school?"

Akio shrugged, adjusting his glasses on his face, "It can't be that different from the public school we went to before. Japan isn't too different from America, right?"

"Hehehehe..." Hideki laughed creepily, his hand reaching over to pat Akio's head, "You poor, innocent soul. A school full of rich kids is a whole different level. And no, Japan is completely different."

Akio flicked Hideki's forehead, causing the boy to flinch back, "How would you know? You went to the same school as me."

Rubbing his forehead with a pout, Hideki glared at the raven haired teen, "My cousin tells me everything. Besides, it's a school filled with rich kids right? I'm pretty sure most of them weren't brung up the 'commoner' way."

"Could be exaggerating, but I guess you do have a point." Akio said, eating the last of his cold treat. Hideki rolled his eyes, "Hana-chan doesn't exaggerate. She has the humor of a rock, remember?"

"Ahhh, that cousin." Akio hummed, staring at his friend before suddenly snorting. Hideki blinked in confusion, "What's so funny?"

"Nice goatee you got going there." Akio commented with a smirk, reaching over with a napkin to wipe away the bit of ice cream that managed to get on his friend's chin. Realizing what had happened, Hideki sniffed with an upturned chin, "I worked hard to get that for your information."

There was a moment where they stared at each other challengingly before bursting into laughter.

"Daaaaww, aren't you two just the cutest couple I've ever seen!" A woman in the table next to them suddenly cooed, stopping them in their tracks. After processing her words, Akio let out a defeated sigh. Hideki on the other hand was smirking, but was quick to wipe it away in favor of smiling innocently.

He blinked cutely at the woman, "Thank you for thinking so, but..."

"Yes?" The woman prompted with a smile. Hideki returned the smile before abruptly dropping it with a bored shrug, "I'm a boy."

The woman sputtered at his remark, not knowing how to deal with the situation. Akio took pity on her and stood up to leave, "Sorry for bothering you, we'll be on our way."

Hideki grinned smugly before getting up and following after Akio. When they were a block away from the parlor, Hideki's face broke into a wide grin, "Well that was fun."

Akio chuckled, "Her expression was beautiful."

"I know right?!" Hideki said happily, "She looked as if a beehive had dropped onto her lap."

"Poor wo... man...?" Akio trailed off, looking to the side of the road as a black car stopped beside them. He blinked at the driver before turning to his friend, "Well, guess my time is up. Do you need a ride home?"

Hideki shook his head with a small smile, "It's okay. My ride's been tailing us for awhile now."

True to his word, another car pulled up next to the first.

"Alright..." Akio waved as he got into the car, "See you tomorrow, Hide-kun."

"See you tomorrow." Hideki repeated with a grin, "You're in for a surprise tomorrow, by the way."

"Can't wait..." Akio rolled his eyes fondly before shutting the door. Hideki offered his friend one last smile through the window before the car drove off.

After a moment, he got into his own car and settled down.

"You may want to change before your father sees you." The chauffeur spoke up as he drove. Hideki let out a sigh before pulling off his wig and putting it to the side. Running a hand through his short brown hair, Hideki stared out the window, "Not like he can do anything about it. Mom is fine with it, so I won't get in trouble."

"Are you sure you want to go through with tomorrow? There is still time to change things."

"I've told you guys already. I want to do it." Hideki grumbled, resisting the urge to clench his hand in the dress as it would ruin it, incurring Akio's wrath.

"If you're doing this for your friend..."

"I'm not." Hideki said firmly, "I'm doing it for myself, now drop the subject. I'm tired of your questions."

"As you wish."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2016 ⏰

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